Last week's assignment Kick The Anthill did wonders. Players in that game mode had to clear six different zones, which were full of Archaeans and nests. Each zone got a bit more difficult than the previous one.
Now, it is time for the Veteran weekly challenge. And as the name suggests, this is not an assignment for beginners.
What is Rainbow Six Extraction's weekly challenge Veteran?

Veteran is Extraction's new weekly challenge, which has a threat level of four (Critical). This means that you will play against any variation of Archaean in the game.
Your missions will be like a regular extraction, but with a twist. You know how FPS gamers love loading their weapons once they shoot one bullet? Siege players do it a lot: you see a camera, you shoot it, you reload after just one bullet used.
Well, you can't do this in Veteran. Well, of course, you can. But the twist is that if you do, you lose the whole magazine. So if you have a magazine of 31 bullets, you will lose 30 bullets if reload after one shot. And forget about finding ammo in the map, 'cause that will be very unlikely in this game mode. If you find some, it is your lucky day.
Veteran also uses a Minimalist HUD, which limits the usage of icons. This means that you won't be able to see where places like the extraction point or the gate to the following mission are located. You won't be able to see where your teammates are, nor their HP number. Having good communication with your teammates — this game mode can't be played alone — is huge in the Veteran extraction.
How to win Veteran game mode in R6 Extraction

If you want to win this challenge, get ready. It's not going to be easy. It slightly depends on the missions you and your teammates are given, as missions like Nest Tracking will be easier than missions like Hunt, where you must use a big amount of bullets.
First of all, you need clear communication with your teammates. Without it, you won't stand a chance against the Archaeans. Not having icons on your screen forces you to talk. Also, great map knowledge will help you and your friends, as it is key to know beforehand where the gates and the extraction points are.
You must also try to play as silent as possible. Not triggering the Archaeans will save you a lot of bullets.
And finally, you must master the reloading game. Please, don't reload if you still have 10 or 15 bullets in your magazine. If you do that, you won't make it too far. Trust me — that was my downfall at the beginning.