Rainbow Six Siege released the Designer's Notes for the upcoming patch, including information about the next changes coming to the game, operator presence, and operator ban rates.
While some of these changes were recently introduced in the Test Server Lab, most of the tweaks presented have surprised the Siege community.
Here's everything you need to know about the Designer's Notes for Y8S4.2!
Operator Changes

Tubarão's number of Zoto Canisters has been reduced from four to three. Furthermore, the Zoto Canister effect has been reduced, as the developers have added a 1.5-second electrical insulation. Moreover, Maverick's gadget won't be affected anymore.
The electrical insulation on metal objects affected by the Zoto Canisters previously lasted only as long as the Canister was active on a surface. The added 1.5 seconds of electrical insulation allow attacking teams with strong coordination a chance to respond and forces the defense to be much more precise in the execution of their strategy if they want to succeed in denying the breach - Ubisoft's Designer's Notes for Y8S4.2.
The Portuguese operator was released to Rainbow Six Siege alongside Operation Deep Freeze. Since he was released to the game, Tubarão has been a nightmare for any attacking lineup. Now, Ubisoft has decided to nerf him three weeks before the start of the Six Invitational 2024.
Kapkan has lost his Impact Grenades and is getting a Bulletproof Camera instead.
Thunderbird has been given a Deployable Shield.
Ace's S.E.L.M.A.'s detonation time has been increased from three to four seconds.
Maverick's torch won't be affected by the Zoto Canisters. Moreover, he has been given two Smoke Grenades.
Weapon Changes

Iana and Ash's G36C will be nerfed as Ubisoft is increasing the gun's vertical and horizontal recoil.
The SMG-11's damage has been reduced from 35 to 32 HP.
Caveira and Thunderbird's shotgun is getting nerfed. Ubisoft is increasing the lateral recoil and the elastic time. Furthermore, the first shot kick has been reduced.
Operator Pickrates

Iana and Ash have been the most picked operators in Operation Deep Freeze with pick rates of almost 50 and 70% each. This is probably the reason why Ubisoft decided to nerf the G36C. Ace, who has also been nerfed, has a pick rate of almost 40%.
Meanwhile, Finka is the attacker with the highest win delta, which is over 3%. In general, most of the Siege attackers are in the ideal range, at pick rates between 5 and the 20%.

Lesion and Warden are the most played defenders, closely followed by Azami, Mozzie, and Solis. Nowadays, defenders are the strongest side in the game, as most of them fit in today's meta.
It's worth mentioning Clash's situation. She has been so poor recently that her win delta is way below the statistics provided by Ubisoft. Ultimately, a buff could be in the makings. The opposite can be said of Tachanka, whose win delta is at 7% while his pick rate is at 4.2%.