Rainbow Six Extraction was launched Jan. 20. Since then, over 3 million users have played Ubisoft’s brand-new game. However, the number will possibly sky-rocket with the introduction of the Buddy Pass, which launches today.
What is the Buddy Pass?
Players who purchased Rainbow Six Extraction have the possibility to invite up to two players to enjoy the complete version of the game for 14 days.
Initially, the Buddy Pass was scheduled to be deployed alongside the game release. However, two days before the game’s launch, Ubisoft announced a slight delay.
Earlier this week Rainbow Six Extraction confirmed the Buddy Pass launchment, which will be today Jan. 27 at 4 pm CET.
With Rainbow Six Extraction having cross-play, players will be able to invite friends from any platform. So, if you are a PC Siege user and you always wanted to play with your console friends, Extraction gives you the chance to play with them.
What is Rainbow Six Extraction?
If you come from Siege, Rainbow Six Extraction might sound weird to you. You basically move from countering terrorists and saving hostages to killing aliens and destroying nests.
Extraction’s aliens are known as Archaeans. In order to stop them from taking over the world, you will have to drop in different locations. Here’s where both games collide, as Extraction’s characters are Siege’s operators. Although Extraction’s operator pool includes 30 Siege operators for now, who knows who else might be coming around in the future.
The origin of the name comes from the main objective in every incursion: extract successfully. Losing operators in Extraction can happen, so you and your teammates must work together in order to extract, even if that means putting the mission on hold.
The lives of your operators are what matters the most to the REACT Team. Now, it’s time to use the Buddy Pass and hit the battlefield in order to stop the Archaeans!