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How to complete Specimen ID NES006 in Destiny 2

The search for more Failsafe specimens continues

Three Guardians wearing Episode: Echoes armor in Destiny 2
Credit: Bungie

The quest for more Failfase specimens continues with Destiny 2 players now trying to complete the Specimen ID NES006 quest as Episode: Echoes reaches its climax.

Specimen ID quests are separate from the main seasonal story and can be completed non-sequentially, so even if you've missed one, it's easy to jump into the game and try out the most recent one.

Let's break down everything you need to know about the Specimen ID NES006 quest and how to complete it. While you're here, consider checking out how to get Enhancement Prisms fast in Destiny 2.

Specimen ID NES006 location in Destiny 2

The quest can be found in all three Battlegrounds Echoes activities, with the last one being added with the most recent weekly reset, Battleground: Core.

Once you're close to the location of the specimen, your proximity sensor bar will be filled to the max. Here are the locations of all specimens in each Battlegrounds activity.

Battleground: Core specimen

The specimen can be found near the end of the activity right before you place the rally banner and drop down to face the boss.

a screenshot of the specimen id nes 006 location in Destiny 2

Specimen ID location 1

Before you drop down, turn around and you'll spot the specimen near the final area with the moving traps.

Battleground: Delve specimen

A screenshot of the specimen ID NES006 location in Destiny 2

Specimen ID location 2

After you drop to the cavern section and your proximity sensor starts pinging, look behind a destroyed pillar to find the next specimen near a destroyed piston.

Battleground: Conduit specimen

A screenshot of the specimen ID NES006 location in Destiny 2

Specimen ID NES006 location 3

The final specimen can be found in the section of Battleground: Conduit where you need to follow the flow of Radiolara down a massive structure. Before you head to the main pathway turn right and the specimen should be right for the taking.

How to complete Specimen ID NES006

To complete the quest you don't really have to do anything too tedious, just farm some kills to complete the objectives:

  • Defeat combatants using Sidearms or Auto Rifles, Guardians grant more progress
  • Defeat combatants with Arc or Solar damage
  • Generate Orbs of Power

If you're keen on trying out new weapons while tackling each objective, we have some recommendations:

  • For Sidearms, you can try The Call and the Solar Aberrant Action
  • For auto rifles, if you are trying the quest when Shadow Price is available from Nightfalls, we suggest you give it a go as it's also an Arc weapon

As always, using Supers will help you tackle the second step faster and generate Orbs of Power quickly.

Once you're done with those three steps, you can talk to Failsafe at the H.E.L.M, place the specimen in its designated location, and reap your rewards

Specimen ID NES006 quest rewards

Completing the quest will net you the following rewards:

  • Data Format Cipher: Opening Echo chests grants more Engrams
  • Combat Protocol Override: Spawns high-value targets in the seasonal Battlegrounds activities, which grant extra rewards when defeated

And that's it. Don't forget we have more gun guides to check out including The Slammer god roll and the Aberrant Action sidearm.