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The first art and logo for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has leaked

The truth lies

The first art and logo for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 has leaked

The marketing campaign for the next Call of Duty has started, with a website and several teaser videos now available online. However, some of the marketing material leaked early and one of them is an image of a fictional newspaper with the logo of the new title.

The logo confirms this next title will be called Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, just like all the rumors indicated.

The other side of the newspaper shows an image from one of the teaser videos, where the faces of Mount Rushmore are covered and the phrase "The truth lies" can be seen. 

On top of that, the leaker billbil_kun posted a blurred image of what appears to be the official cover art for the game. In case you haven't seen it, here is the image reposted by CharlieIntel on X (formerly Twitter):

As you can see, the art features a soldier mimicking the same pose used in almost all of the previous Black Ops titles. We will probably have to wait until the game's official reveal to see the full image.

With Activision teasing some sort of reveal game mode/event in Season 4 of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, we are not that far away from knowing more about Treyarch Studios' upcoming game.

We expect the marketing to ramp up before the Xbox Games Showcase happening on June 9, since a special showcase for Black Ops 6 is set to take place right after it.

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