Destiny 2 Into the Light looks like a great update to celebrate the history of the soon-to-be 10-year-old franchise. The new Hall of Champions social space serves as a great tribute to the series.
Leaks suggested that the DLC would bring a new social space to the game, with many figuring it would be a rebuilt Tower; however, Bungie surprised fans during the March 26 Into the Light developer stream by showing off a completely new social space.
This new social space is set in the Tower and built by Crucible overseer Lord Shaxx, it serves as a celebration of the franchise, with the Titan opening his armory to players, giving them access to iconic weapons which are making a return to Destiny 2.
The Hall of Champions will feature Shaxx and other NPCs, such as Arcite 99-40. They'll give players a ton of quests and bounties to grind all upcoming Into the Light content.

There will be plenty of content to tackle, including some special weapon quests given by Arcite, which, upon completion, will hand out a curated roll with a unique ornament.
In the Hall of Champions, you can attune to a specific Into the Light weapon, which means you'll have more chances to get a drop for the weapon you choose, letting you have more control over your random drops while grinding things like Onslaught, the new three-player activity in the DLC.
Finally, don't worry if you're not interested in purchasing the Into the Light DLC, as the Hall of Champions social hub will be free to access for all players. For more content, check out all working Destiny 2 codes to get emblems, emotes, and more.