During the Six Invitational 2024 celebrated in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ubisoft teased some updates that would be launched in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 9.
Among all of the tweaks that will be introduced to the game during the upcoming months, the community got excited after hearing the news about the developers’ plans to nerf Solis and Fenrir. Although nothing was revealed back then, the initial changes to their loadouts and abilities were unveiled in Manchester, England, during the BLAST R6 Major Manchester.
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Finally, three months after the Six Invitational 2024, Ubisoft have announced what the future holds for Solis and Fenrir, as both operators will be nerfed with the launch of Operation New Blood.
Solis nerf - What’s changing?

Solis’ gadget will be nerfed with Operation New Blood’s release. Starting with Year 9 Season 2, Solis won’t be able to use her Electro Sensor (SPEC-IO Glasses) during the Preparation Phase.
With this change, Solis won’t be able to spot the attacking drones during the initial 45 seconds of the round. This is a huge relief for the attackers, as the Colombian operator could not just destroy the attacking drones but also obtain a tone of information regarding how the attackers could attempt to enter the building.
This won’t be the only change that will affect Solis’ SPEC-IO Glasses, as Ubisoft have decided to reduce the glasses’ battery from 20 to 10 seconds. Additionally, Solis will have to wait until the glasses are fully charged to use them.
If that wasn’t enough, Ubisoft are changing the range of action as now Solis will have to get closer to the attacker gadgets to spot them. Last but not least, Ubisoft have decided to change Solis’ impact grenades for proximity alarms. These two changes will undermine Solis’ effectiveness when playing her vertically.
Keep in mind that this is just the first of the two nerfs that Solis will be getting shortly. Therefore, we should expect another change to Solis’ gadget and loadout soon!
Fenrir nerf - What’s changing?

Operation New Blood is also introducing a nerf to Fenrir’s gadget (F-NATT Dread Mine) and loadout. Following the release of Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 9 Season 2, Fenrir’s number of mines will be reduced from five to four.
Additionally, the number of codes will be reduced from three to two. This means that Fenrir will only be able to open two of his four mines. If a player destroys one of Fenrir’s mines, he will get the code back to open any of the mines left on the map.
Ubisoft will also change the status of Fenrir’s mines, as they will lose their bulletproof condition after being activated once – regardless of whether the mine remains active or not.
Finally, Ubisoft are replacing Fenrir’s Barbed Wire with Observation Blockers. Ubisoft’s idea behind this change is to make it more difficult for attackers to locate Fenrir’s mines.
Luckily for Fenrir fans, Operation New Blood is not only bad news for the defender as he will be getting his Elite Bundle with the launch of Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 9 Season 2.
For more information about Operation New Blood and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, make sure to come back to Siege.GG!