Rainbow Six Mobile's Operation Fallen Sakura will introduce a new map to the game. If you're a fan of Rainbow Six Siege, the map doesn't need an introduction.
Read more: Will Rainbow Six Mobile be on mobile?
Rainbow Six Mobile's new map
Ubisoft is introducing Oregon to Rainbow Six Mobile with the launch of Operation Fallen Sakura.
Oregon was included in Rainbow Six Siege when the game was officially launched in Dec. 2015. Since then, the map has gone through multiple reworks. Nowadays, Oregon is one of the most popular maps in Rainbow Six Siege.
What is coming to Rainbow Six Mobile?
With Operation Fallen Sakura, Ubisoft is adding multiple new features to Rainbow Six Mobile including game modes and more.
The arrival of Oregon to the game is followed by the deployment of the first Ranked playlist in Rainbow Six Mobile.
Moreover, new special playlists will be added. In fact, Rainbow Six Mobile has had recently its first time-limited game mode, called Blast Pit.
When will I be able to play Rainbow Six Mobile?
So far, only players from Mexico and Canada can play Rainbow Six Mobile. However, Ubisoft already announced that more countries will be updated within the next months. Unfortunately, we don't know when more countries will be added.