Operation Deadly Omen was finally fully revealed at the Six Invitational 2024. The upcoming season of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege will see the arrival of multiple new features, including an Azami nerf, a shield rework, new attachments, and a new operator called Deimos.
Although all of these changes are exciting, the fans were excited by something completely different. Remember when Ash's ACOG was removed by Ubisoft? Well, Operation Deadly Omen has come to fix that.
Ash to get back her ACOG
Although Ash has an ACOG for her G36C, it just wasn't the same. Until now. With Operation Deadly Omen, the American operator will get an ACOG for her R4C.
Unfortunately, the weapon has gone through some nerfs during the last few seasons. During Operation Deep Freeze, Ubisoft decided to nerf R4C's recoilg. With the addition of the ACOG, the weapon will become the fans' favorite gun.
Read more: Rainbow Six Siege operator guide: Deimos
It's also worth mentioning that Ram already had an ACOG for her R4C before Operation Deadly Omen. However, fans didn't pick her that much as she is a one-speed operator.
Ubisoft to introduce attachment and scope adjustments
Ash isn't the only operator that will get some love from Ubisoft. With Operation Deadly Omen, Ubisoft is giving operators new loadouts including new scopes.
For instance, Thorn will get an ACOG for her primary weapon. Considering that the Irish operator has a Deployable Shield, Thorn will probably become a must pick operator.
Read more: When will Operation Deadly Omen be released?
Apparently, Castle is also getting an ACOG. With some defenders getting the famous scope, we will probably see an even more aggressive meta in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Therefore, playing the Test Server and provide developers with feedback will be incredibly important before the release of Operation Deadly Omen.