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How to get skins in Rainbow Six Siege

Want to look different? Want to improve your looks? This is your article!

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Getting skins in Rainbow Six Siege is very easy, so worry no more. In this article, we will go through everything you need to know about Rainbow Six Siege skins.

How to get new Rainbow Six Siege skins

It is very easy to get skins in Rainbow Six Siege. There are multiple ways to grow your skin collection.

Read more: What are the best Rainbow Six Siege skins?

Alpha packs

It is very easy to get alpha packs! You just have to play, win, and have some luck. You can also obtain alpha packs by completing the battle pass. Final but not least, you can also get alpha packs by purchasing them with renown — you can't purchase them with R6 Credits, which are purchased with real money.

In-game store

You can purchase your favorite skins going straight to the in-game store. We understand that trying luck with alpha packs might be annoying, so the in-game store might be your best option.

Once you are in Siege's shop, you can look for your favorite skins. Usually, these can be purchased with renown or R6 Credits. However, keep in mind that sometimes skins can't be purchased individually and you will have to acquire the whole bundle in order to equip the skin.

So, think before spending. That's our advice.

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What are Rainbow Six Siege skins?

Rainbow Six Siege skins are cosmetics that you can use on the battlefield. Skins are divided into common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary skins. There are different types of skins though, which are divided into the following categories:


The name is self-explanatory — these skins are cosmetics for the operator's heads. There are many in Siege, which go from the most basic ones (helmets, etc.) to even a mop. Yes, that's right. Siege's operator Nokk has a mop-headgear.

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Nokk Mop headgear (Photo: Korey)

Headgears are a really important part of the operator's outfit. But watch out, having a big head means defenders might spot you easily.


Again, pretty self-explanatory. Nothing could go wrong with this, right? Well, in Siege, there's a big controversy around uniforms.

Unlike other FPS video games, Rainbow Six Siege introduced the benefits of equipping realistic uniforms. This means that brownish, greenish, or whitish uniforms constantly drop in the game. Of course, players have started complaining that these colors give players an unfair advantage.

It is understandable — you don't want to get shot by a body you can't see. Pro players and coaches complain constantly about it on social media about it.

However, uniforms are a big part of Siege. You can get really cool uniforms in the in-game store, so we encourage you to go and have a look!

Weapon skins

Weapon skins are probably the most popular skins in the game. Unlike headgears and uniforms, you can actually see the weapon skins while playing.

There are many kinds of weapon skins, including standard skins (just one color), seasonal skins (skins that drop at the start of every season and can only be purchased during that season), and even 3D skins.

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We encourage you to check our R6 Share skins article, including information on the program and the best skins you can get from the store!


Charms are small figurines or cosmetics that can be used in any weapon, as they are universal. Although people don't usually pay too much attention to it, charms are also a big part of the game — and if you explore the in-game store, you will see many cool designs!


Finally, we have bundles, which include multiple of the aforementioned items. Bundles are usually themed around a topic, which can be a yearly celebration, an animal, or even a TV show.

The most famous bundles are the Epic Skins, which also include a victory celebration, which is performed at the end of the game if your team wins and you are the MVP.