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Operation Vector Glare brings new Privacy Mode udpates to Rainbow Six Siege

Your identity can be as hidden as you desire.

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While there is probably nothing more exciting than Sens arriving in Operation Vector Glare, the new season did come with a few more updates that are looking to change Rainbow Six Siege for the better. One of those changes is to Player Protection.

Developers shared some information on the Player Protection updates in the full season patch notes. Here is what we know so far!

Update to Rainbow Six Siege Privacy Mode

The Privacy section can be found under the Options menu, showing some new tools that will "prevent malicious players from using another player's live stream to gather information and get an unfair edge" or harass them.

Privacy Mode was soft-launched back in January and is now seeing some big changes. Like before, you can create a custom temporary display name to be used in-game and also hide your avatar. This helps to keep your gamertag and other personal information private.

Now, however, players have more control over the information that's shown on screen. YOu can appear as You. This removes a username and nickname completely. You can also rename other players, calling them things like Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.

When it comes to your Ubisoft account, there are new privacy settings that can alter who can send a friend request. Later in the season, there will be further settings that let you control how you appear in the Friend Suggestions on Ubisoft Connect, further protecting your privacy.

New updates to Reputation System in Rainbow Six Siege

The Reputation System is being partially deployed in Operation Vector Glare. The initial version will implement a reputation penalty when friendly fire abuse is detected.

"The purpose of reputation penalties is to activate when we detect that someone has abused a mechanism during several matches, in this case, the Reverse Friendly Fire. It aims to better control and address certain regular abuses of Friendly Fire and reduce the frustration associated with recidivists that injure too many teammates," developers explained.

Here's how it works:

  • The repeat offender will receive a set of warnings and advice to "modify their playstyle"
  • If friendly fire continues, the penalty will be applied
  • The player will know the number of matches left in their penalty by feedback in and out of the gameplay loop