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Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 game modes list

Here are all of the MW3 Season 4 game modes

Modern Warfare 3 Soap MacTavish leaning up against wall while holding gun. Opponents are running around in the background while fire burns on the floor

A brand-new season means it's time for players to get familiar with all of the Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 game modes on offer alongside modes synonymous with Activision's shooter series.

The Season 4 update for Modern Warfare 3 sees Sledgehammer Games introduce four new modes into the rotation, injecting a breath of fresh air into the current selection of kill-based, objective-focused, and single-life modes. In addition to the new modes,  the battle pass includes the new Superi 46 SMG and the Hammer Operator.

Find details of all the MW3 Season 4 game modes including how they work in this guide.

All MW3 Season 4 game modes


The first of the four modes is a familiar one to seasoned Call of Duty veterans. Demolition is a round-based mode inspired by Search and Destroy. It involves one team attempting to detonate two objectives while the other team attempts to stop them in their tracks.

Unlike Search and Destroy, respawns are enabled in Demolition and all attackers have the ability to plant the bomb. Attackers win the round by detonating the targets but if the defenders can withstand the pressure until the time runs out, they win. The first team to win two rounds is the winner.

Hyper Cranked

Hyper Cranked is a brand-new addition to the Call of Duty franchise and takes the popular Cranked mode up a notch. Once players score a kill, a countdown timer appears. Score a kill before the countdown timer hits zero to avoid an explosive ending.

While cranked, players will experience quicker reloads, faster movement, and faster weapon swap speed with the goal of chaining kills together to stay in the action. The team that reaches the score limit first or has the highest score when the timer ends is the victor.


Arriving in Season 4 Reloaded, Havoc was last seen in Season 5 of 2022's Modern Warfare 2. Killstreaks are restricted and players have access to a variety of game-changing modifiers that enhance gameplay. 

The team that reaches 75 points first is awarded the win meaning mastering the modifiers quickly can make all the difference.

Headshots only

Joining Havoc in Season 4 Reloaded is headshots only and as the title suggests, aiming for the head is the key ingredient to success. Damage is only dealt to players firing at the head meaning accuracy is hugely important.

Thankfully, the arrival of the Kar98k is bound to have its uses in the hands of a competent sharpshooter.

That's all there is to know about the Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 game modes. For more Call of Duty, stay tuned to the site as we continue our Season 4 coverage and start looking ahead to what  Black Ops 6 has in store.


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