The new Destiny 2 7.3.5 patch, also known as the Season of the Wish mid-update, breathed new life into the Prophecy dungeon, refreshing its loot pool significantly.
Dungeons are three-person activities that are smaller in scale than raids but are still considered high-end content. Prophecy is among fan favorites for its encounter design and the fact that, unlike the vast majority of dungeons, it's free to play for everyone in Destiny 2.
Prophecy had somewhat obsolete loot that lacked features such as Origin Traits or newer damage types. Well, Bungie has fixed all that and has made sure Prophecy is worth grinding again.
In this guide, we'll break down all the loot available in the Prophecy dungeon by encounter. Before we begin detailing what rewards you can expect from each encounter, we'll describe the loot pool changes overall, explaining the new weapons you might find, and reissued ones with all changes Bungie made to them.
We recommend you check our full list of new and returning Destiny 2 weapons with patch 7.3.5 to get a complete scope beyond what Prophecy is offering.
New Prophecy dungeon weapons
There will be three new weaponos added to the dungeon.
Prosecutor Auto Rifle: Arc, Precision Frame, 450 RPM

Adjudicator Submachine Gun: Kinetic, Precision Frame, 600 RPM

Relentless Pulse Rifle: Strand, High-Impact Frame, 340 RPM

Reissued weapons
There are three reissued weapons.
- Darkest Before Pulse Rifle: Damage changed from Arc to Solar
- Judgment Hand Cannon: Damage changed from Kinetic to Stasis
- A Sudden Death Shotgun: Damage changed from Void to Arc
Removed weapons
Three weapons are being completely removed from the loot pool and are no longer available:
- A Swift Verdict Sidearm
- The Long Walk Sniper
- The Last Breath Auto Rifle
Prophecy weapons Origin Trait
All Prophecy weapons will be getting a new Origin Trait, Crossing Over:
- Adds increased range and handling for the top half of the magazine, while rounds from the bottom half of the magazine deal increased damage
Now that you know everything new added to the dungeon, it's time to find out the drop rates per encounter.
Destiny 2 Prophecy dungeon loot pool
The dungeon is divided into three encounters, each offering different weapons and gear. The loot table was confirmed by Blueberries.gg, a very good resource for both newcomers and veterans alike.

First encounter: Phalanx Echo
You'll be able to get two weapons and four pieces of armor from this encounter. These are:
- Relentless Pulse Rifle
- Prosecutor Assault Rifle
- Trials of the Nine Leg Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Leg Armor
- Trials of the Nine Class Item
- Moonfang-X7 Class Item
Second encounter: Hexahedron
There are two weapons and two pieces of armor up for grabs from the second boss.
- A Sudden Death Shotgun
- Adjudicator Submachine Gun
- Trials of the Nine Arm Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Arm Armor
Third encounter: Kell Echo
The final boss only has gear available as loot. However, the final chest in the next section has quite a lot of stuff to compensate.
- Moonfang-X7 Head Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Arm Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Chest Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Leg Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Class Item
Emissary chest
The final chest is filled with stuff to collect.
- Judgement Hand Cannon
- Darkest Before Pulse Rifle
- Trials of the Nine Head Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Head Armor
- Trials of the Nine Chest Armor
- Moonfang-X7 Chest Armor
- Trials of the Nine Class Item
- Moonfang-X7 Class Item
Do note that in order for the Moonfang-X7 set to drop in every encounter, you must find the gear during the third encounter with Kell Echo.