Are you finding yourself breezing through Archaeans on the hardest difficulty? Well, thank heavens REACT has you on the squad. But if you want more of a challenge, don't worry — one is coming.
Early reviews of Rainbow Six Extraction before its release had many streamers noting how easy many of the objectives were. Well, until they came face-to-face with Maelstrom Protocol.
What is Maelstrom Protocol mode?
Maelstrom Protocol is the most difficult mode in Rainbow Six Extraction.
Instead of three subzones to get through, there are nine! Each of these zones will have a progressively harder mission to complete. Each zone will have a random Parasite Mutation and the enemies will become more and more difficult as you progress. Each zone will also have fewer and fewer resources.
Oh, but there's even more. Or, should we say, less. The operator selection is limited to only six random operators each time. This creates a more random element that requires you to understand each operator so you can use them effectively.

What are the rewards in Maelstrom Protocol?
This mode ranks up based on experience points. If you succeed on a mission, you can unlock exclusive headgear for that week's Maelstrom Protocol challenge. You will also get REACT Credits to buy in-game cosmetics.
What are the Maelstrom Protocol ranks?
To get exclusive headgear, you have to reach certain ranks.
- 20000+ XP = Bronze Class
- 30000+ XP = Silver Class
- 50000+ XP = Gold Class
- 75000+ XP = Platinum Class
- 95000+ XP = Diamond Class
If you lose a mission in Maelstrom, you will lose all of the experience you gained on previous missions. That's why it's sometimes best to extract yourself before losing it all.

How do you unlock Maelstrom Protocol in Rainbow Six Extraction?
Okay, so how do you actually get to play Maelstrom Protocol?
This challenging mode is unlocked as soon as you hit level 16 in Rainbow Six Extraction. You can reach level 16 by ranking up each operator, completing incursions, and doing studies. Here is how to level up fast in Rainbow Six Extraction.
Can you play Maelstrom Protocol solo?
Unfortunately, no. Unlike other modes in Rainbow Six Extraction, you have to pair up with other players if you want to take on Maelstrom Protocol. This means grabbing some friends or finding online players who want a challenge.