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Rainbow Six Siege Y7S3 will be called Operation Brutal Swarm

We finally have a name.

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People say that every day you learn something new. Well, today we learned that Rainbow Six Siege's Y7S3 operation will be called Operation Brutal Swarm!

Read more: Rainbow Six Siege releases Y7S3 tease

Y7S3 is to be called Operation Brutal Swarm

It's around the corner! The third operation of the year will be called Operation Brutal Swarm, as Siege heads to Singapore for the first time.

We still don't have any details about the upcoming season, but the name of the operation and the video released by Rainbow Six Siege makes us think it's going to be related to bees or some kind of flying insect.

SiegeGG has received an early access copy of the new season and will be exploring everything about it very soon.

When will the new Siege operation be revealed?

According to the Production Marketing Manager for Rainbow Six Siege, the Y7S3 Operation Brutal Swarm will be announced at 4:30 PM CEST, just before the Berlin Major Grand Final. There, Ubisoft will explain everything related to the upcoming operator, release information about the new operator, and more!

When can I play Operation Brutal Swarm?

It's still unknown when players will be able to play Operation Brutal Swarm. Usually, the Test Server is opened the day after the Major ends. That's possibly when you will be able to try out Operation Brutal Swarm for the first time.

That also includes getting to play with the new operator. You will also be able to try out the upcoming changes to the game while providing feedback to Ubisoft. Remember, Ubisoft needs your thoughts as they will decide what will be released to the live version of the game.

What Rainbow Six Siege season is it?

Right now we are on Y7S2, which is called Operation Vector Glare. This operation's operator is Sens, a non-binary attacker in Rainbow Six Siege.

Operation Vector Glare also saw the release of a Team Deathmatch map, among other exciting content. You still have time to become part of it!