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Rainbow Six Mobile Soft Launch season to be called Operation Fallen Sakura

Operation Fallen Sakura is here!

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Rainbow Six Mobile has announced today the name for its first season, which will be released alongside the game's soft launch version.

Earlier this month, the community welcomed with open arms Rainbow Six Mobile's announcement regarding the arrival of its soft launch. This is the last stage before the game goes live, so the excitement is very real!

Read more: What operators are in Rainbow Six Mobile?

Operation Fallen Sakura

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Rainbow Six Mobile's first season is called Operation Fallen Sakura.

Operation Fallen Sakura is also known as Y0SX. While the Y stands for "Year", the S stands for "Season". This means that this is Year 0 and Season X.

Rainbow Six Mobile is still in its soft launch stage; this means that the game isn't in its final version yet. Players have now the chance to try the new features included in the game.

Where can I play Operation Fallen Sakura from?

Unfortunately, only Canadian players have access to Operation Fallen Sakura. Starting from Aug. 28, the Canadian Android and iOS players will be able to download Rainbow Six Mobile's soft launch version of the game.

Next week, Android players from Mexico will be able to try out Rainbow Six Mobile's soft launch version. In the upcoming months, more countries will be added to the list, so stay alert!

Will Rainbow Six Mobile have Ranked?

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Yes, Rainbow Six Mobile will have a Ranked game mode. In fact, Rainbow Six Mobile has included a Ranked playlist in its soft launch version. This means that the players will be able to try it out before the game goes live for everyone!