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Operation Solar Raid introduces new faction Ghosteyes to Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow, Nighthaven... and Ghosteyes.

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Earlier today, Rainbow Six Siege released another video teaser regarding the upcoming season, Operation Solar Raid.

Despite not knowing much about the new content that is uppon us, players are mainly looking forward to the new operator, the new map, and the changes that will affect the Ranked system.

Read more: Y7S3 mid-season roadmap update: Ranked 2.0 to be released next season, permanent arcade modes delayed to Year 8

What do we know about Operation Solar Raid?

On Nov. 11, Rainbow Six Siege released a short video about the new map, called Nighthaven Labs.

Initially, the game's developers expected to launch the map alongside Operation Brutal Swarm. However, due to the map not being ready, Ubisoft decided to postpone its release. Instead, Rainbow Six Siege decided to give a chance to Stadium Bravo, which so far hasn't been very welcomed by most of the players.

Alongside the new map, a new operator will be released alongside Operation Solar Raid. According to the video released by Rainbow Six Siege's Twitter account, the operator will be from Colombia.

New changes will be introduced alongside Operation Solar Raid, including changes to the Ranked system, which will be renewed.

Now, Rainbow Six Siege has released more news about the new content released with Operation Solar Raid: Siege's new faction will be Ghosteyes.

Siege's new faction is Ghosteyes

Team Rainbow, Nighthaven, and now Ghosteyes.

Rainbow Six Siege's operators are getting divided, and a new faction has been made. By the video released today, we can assume that the new faction will include Nokk, Lesion, Mozzie, Zero, Vigil, Maverick, Flores, and the Colombian operator.

The new operation looks very promising. We expect Ubisoft to release more details about it throughout the next few days. For all the information about Operation Solar Raid, make sure to check out the Full Reveal which will take place on the first day of the Jönköping Major, on Nov. 21.