If you are a big fan of Rainbow Six Siege, you can't miss out on Rainbow Six Mobile. In only two weeks, Ubisoft will launch the second version of the game's beta, which is expected to include multiple new features.
Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Beta 2.0 is expected to arrive on Jun. 6th, and it will be open to Android and iOS players. According to Rainbow Six Mobile's Discord, the release will include Siege legacy bundles that will be unlockable for every operator.
However, some players are struggling with pre-registering for the Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Beta 2.0. Luckily, today we are here to help you!
Read more: Ubisoft announces new date for Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Beta
How To Pre-Register For Rainbow Six Mobile Beta
Follow the next steps to pre-register for the Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Beta 2.0:
1. Head to Rainbow Six Mobile's official Ubisoft website.

2. Click on Register, which can be found in the top right corner.

3. Choose the platform you will use to play Rainbow Six Mobile.

4. In the new tab, press on Pre-Registration on Google Play or Registrate if you're an iOS user.
Once you complete these four steps, you will have to wait until the 6th of June to play the Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Beta 2.0.
What operators can be played in Rainbow Six Mobile?
Rainbow Six Mobile's operators come from Rainbow Six Siege. The game currently includes 18 operators: nine defenders and nine attackers.

Rainbow Six Mobile's operator pool will include nine attackers.
Ash and Ying are expected to be the attackers' entry operators. Their load-outs and unique gadgets give them the strength to win any gunfight.
Sledge and Twitch will also be used as entries, but their abilities can be used to help the hard breachers, Hibana and Thermite. Meanwhile, Thatcher and Glaz will be the supports.

Rainbow Six Mobile's operator pool will include nine defenders.
We expect Jäger, Kapkan, Caveira, and Valkyrie to become the three main roamers in Rainbow Six Mobile.
Meanwhile, Mute and Bandit will be used to electrify and jam walls. Finally, Rook and Smoke will help heir teammates from the site.