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Crossplay in Rainbow Six Siege: How to activate, how to deactivate, and more!

Crossplay could change Rainbow Six Siege as we know it.

Rainbow Six Siege

With the launch of Operation Collision Point, Rainbow Six Siege fans have been hit with a wave of new content, including Blackbeard's rework, operator balancing changes, and many more brand-new features. Among those, the most important one has been crossplaying.

While crossplaying has been in Rainbow Six Siege for a few seasons now, Operation Collision Point is the first one that includes crossplay between PC and Console. Although this is thrilling for most of the community, some players are already wondering how to disable the option.

Keep on reading to know more about activating and deactivating crossplay between PC and Console in Rainbow Six Siege:

How to activate crossplay?

Crossplay can be easily activated by Console players in Rainbow Six Siege by going to options and then scrolling down to "Crossplay Matchmaking". There, just make sure the option is on.

By doing so, you accept playing against mouse and keyboard players, both from PC and Console.

How to deactivate crossplay?

Crossplay Rainbow Six Siege

Unfortunately, if you're a PC player, you won't be able to turn off crossplay in Rainbow Six Siege. This means that there's no option to stop playing with and against controller players.

How can I know if someone is crossplaying?

Crossplay Rainbow Six Siege

While it's generally easy to distinguish Console and PC players based on the way they aim, you can make sure of the platform your teammates play on after the conclusion of the game.

On the team screen, check the icon next to your teammates' username. If there's a Ubisoft icon, that means they play on PC. However, if there's another icon, that means they are playing on Console.

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