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Rainbow Six Siege to have crossplay between Console and PC in Operation Collision Point

Console players will be allowed to hop on PC lobbies.

Rainbow Six Siege
Credit: Steam

Nobody can deny that Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most popular FPS titles in the market. Recently, Ubisoft revealed that the game has made over US$3.5bn in the last ten years, which is a strong indicator of how much the community wants the game to succeed.

The bigger the community supporting the game, the bigger the goals for the developers and the designers will be. As the game grows, the players' requests for new features will become even more challenging and demanding. Arguably, one of these is crossplaying.

In a game like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, where the playing experience can feel completely different from platform to platform, crossplaying is a big mountain to climb: players who use mouse and keyboard to play (PC) have a huge advantage when playing against players who use a controller.

Despite the complications, crossplaying is a very much-needed feature. With the console community being so large, we all have a friend or group of friends even that play on the opposite platform than we do — and it's impossible to play with them.

Fortunately, Year 9 Season 4 is about to change that as Ubisoft will introduce crossplay between console and PC in Rainbow Six Siege with the launch of Operation Collision Point. However, it may be slightly different from what you may be thinking.

Ubisoft's crossplay system to be introduced to Rainbow Six Siege in Operation Collision Point will be exclusive to console players. While console players will be able to join PC lobbies, PC players won't be able to join console lobbies. Enabling crossplay will be optional, as there surely will be console players who will not want to face PC players who use mouse and keyboard.

Additionally, Ubisoft will implement crossplay between PC and console players on MouseTrap. When MouseTrap detects a player using mouse and keyboard on a console, they will automatically be moved to PC lobbies.

By introducing crossplay under these terms, Ubisoft is protecting the controller community while also allowing players to enjoy the game with their friends, regardless of the platform they use. Plain and simple, Ubisoft is killing two birds with one stone.

Therefore, if you have friends who play on a different platform than the one you use, you will now have the chance to play with them, at least, in casual playlists. Isn't that cool?

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