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There is a cute Archaean charm in Rainbow Six Extraction

Here is how to unlock it!

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Rainbow Six Extraction players have until March 14 to complete the Gadget Master Challenge.

Completing the Gadget Master Challenge as a community will unlock the Grumpy Grunt Charm, an adorable take on the usually intimidating Archaeans in Rainbow Six Extraction.

How do you complete Gadget Master Challenge?

Every Gadget Master Challenge in Rainbow Six Siege and Rainbow Six Extraction requires players to get a certain amount of kills with a certain gadget equipped. This means Extraction players have to reach a certain amount of kills as a community to unlock the new Grumpy Grunt Charm.

Learn how to complete the challenge with other Rainbow Six Extraction players here.

What is Ubisoft Connect?

Players must be signed into Ubisoft Connect to participate in the Gadget Master Challenge. Ubisoft Connect includes players from every platform, accessible through PC, mobile app, or console.

Ubisoft Connect allows Rainbow Six Extraction players to find friends from all platforms (Extraction has crossplay), track progression, share stats, and participate in worldwide challenges and activities.