Following the exits of both Zachary "SpiriTz" Dionne and Robert "Melted" Kormylo last month, Parabellum have completed their roster for the 2022 season with the additions of Kyle "Whimpy" Anderson, Tim "Creators" Humpherys, and Alexandre "BlaZ" Thomas.
Creators initially made it to the big leagues after beating Rogue during the Season 10 relegations to win promotion to the Pro League. In the two years since, he's competed on both Tempo Storm and XSET, before losing against Parabellum in last December's relegation matchup.
Whimpy, meanwhile, has competed in a number of tier-two rosters over the last two years and spent 2021 with the Kansas City Pioneers and Arial Arise organizations. In this time, he's finished as runner-up in the NA Challenger League on two occasions; during Stage 1 on KCP and Stage 3 on Arial Arise. His pickup by Parabellum marks his first opportunity in tier-one tournament.
Finally, BlaZ has been a notable player in the European scene since mid-2018, but he only made his EUL debut last year. Since then, he finished in eighth, ninth, and ninth while playing for the French lineup most recently known as Heroic.
This pickup marks the fifth time a European player has been picked up by a North American League team following Léo "Alphama" Robine on eUnited, Manuel "Sloppy" Malfer on Tempo Storm, and the Soniqs' pickups of Alex "SlebbeN" Nordlund and Santino "Gomfi" Meulenaere.
It is currently unclear if BlaZ will be able to play for Parabellum for the beginning of Stage 1:
This roster will debut when the North American League kicks off, likely in a few weeks time.