Zofia and Ela's story is a tough one. The Bosak sisters are Jan Bosak's daughters, a former GROM commander. He was a very respected symbol of the Polish Special Operations Unit. When he died, everything changed.
Who are Zofia and Ela?
Zofia and Ela are two operators in Rainbow Six Siege. They joined Team Rainbow in 2017 and are labeled as some of the best operators in the game. They are Polish sisters, meaning their childhoods are similar.
Both Zofia and Ela joined GROM and worked together, but now they can't stand each other. So what happened between them?
Zofia and Ela's relationship in Rainbow Six Siege
Everyone knew about the sisters' relationship when they were released in Rainbow Six Siege.
The lore between both sisters is so long that we can see it in the game. When Zofia kills Ela or vice versa, the winner of the gunfight wins 10 extra points for Sister Rivalry. Zofia having a daughter gave her the ability to withstand, which was later removed.
Today, Rainbow Six Siege has released a brief movie on the sisters' relationship. In the video, we see how well-compenetrated their teamwork was initially. When one of the girls had a problem, the other came to the rescue.
However, there was always a problem between both of them: comparisons. Comparisons are odious, but Zofia — the older sister — was seemingly the family favorite. Zofia adored and respected her father, while Ela saw in him an extraordinary man with various flaws. According to Ubisoft's Ela biography, "Ela is more inclined to accept that her father, though exceptional, wasn't perfect."
When Jan Bosak passed, Zofia couldn't turn the page. Alongside her dad, her relationship with Ela died.
In the video, we can also see Kali and Smoke, with the latest showing his face for the very first time. We can also see Ela and Zofia using their Elite Skins at some point in the video.

These kinds of short movies are incredible looks into operator lore and the community can't wait for what's to come in the future!