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What is the map pool in Rainbow Six Siege?

A good understanding of the maps is key to winning your games.

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Sometimes, playing Siege is a hell of a ride. You must know how to play different operators, you have to communicate with your teammates, and you must properly use your utility. If that wasn't enough to deal with, you must do this in completely different maps.

In Siege, we have 20 different maps, so learning every callout of every map is something just a handful of players achieve. However, the circle stretches depending on if you play casual, ranked, or unranked. Let's have a look at the various map pools that we can find in the game.


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The Newcomer game mode is exclusive for players that are under level 50. Rounds last for three minutes and the only game mode played there is Bomb.

These are the maps that players can find here:

Quick Match

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Previously known as Casual, in Quick Match we find various game modes, as users can play Bomb, Secure Area, and Hostage. Just like in Newcomer, rounds last for three minutes.

These are the maps that players can find here:

  • Bank
  • Border
  • Chalet
  • Clubhouse
  • Coastline
  • Consulate
  • Favela
  • Fortress
  • Hereford Base
  • House
  • Kafe Dostoyevsky
  • Kanal
  • Oregon
  • Outback
  • Presidential Plane
  • Skyscraper
  • Theme Park
  • Tower
  • Villa
  • Yacht

Ranked and Unranked

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The format of this game mode tries to simulate the professional environment seen in professional competitions, including a map ban phase and an operator ban phase. The map pool used for this game mode is also close to the one seen in professional competitions.

These are the maps that can be found in your ranked and unranked matches. The list is composed of 14 maps, including the recently reworked Outbreak and Favela.

  • Bank
  • Border
  • Chalet
  • Clubhouse
  • Coastline
  • Consulate
  • Favela
  • Kafe Dostoyevsky
  • Kanal
  • Oregon
  • Outback
  • Skyscraper
  • Theme Park
  • Villa

Professional Map Pool

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The list is cut in half here, as only seven maps are currently used in the professional map pool. These are the maps seen in professional competitions:

  • Bank
  • Chalet
  • Clubhouse
  • Coastline
  • Kafe Dostoyevsky
  • Oregon
  • Villa

What are the best maps in Rainbow Six Siege?

If we had to pick a handful of maps among the 20 we have in the game, we would probably take House, Clubhouse, Oregon, Chalet, and Kafe. The first one is a classic of the game, although we would probably take the pre-reworked version of it. Then, the other four are common, close to overexploited in the game, especially in ranked Siege.