Rainbow Six Siege operators are a beloved part of the FPS experience. Each has their own abilities, kits, and backgrounds that make them feel like fully formed individuals players can get to know.
When you check out all the online information available about each operator, you can find their backstory, history, and experiences. You can also see their nationality, height, age, and weight. Yes, weight.
Who is the lightest operator in Rainbow Six Siege?
That would be Ying! She is 115 pounds. She is also just 5'2" tall.
Siu Mei Lin aka Ying is a 33-year-old Hong Kong resident that joined an elite security service right after high school. Her goal was to become an all-purpose operative. Ying traveled to Tel Aviv, Israel, where she spent two years training and developing an expertise in firearms and combat driving.
Ying, who has always cared about protecting others, moved back to Hong Kong to join the police force and then the elite SDU: Flying Tigers. She earned the nickname Ying, which means Firefly, due to her creative use of flashbangs.
Ying is known for her S.A.S., a mercury and magnesium-based explosive that creates "a multitude of blinding flashes." It can be anchored on surfaces or thrown out as a grenade.

Who is the heaviest operator in Rainbow Six Siege?
At 287 pounds, Oryx is the operator that weighs the most in Rainbow Six Siege.
Oryx is also one of the tallest operators at 6'5" tall. Al "Oryx" Hadid has the Remah Dash that allows him to speed over short distances, using the momentum to knock down opponents and break walls.
Oryx has mastered fighting styles all over the world but not much is known besides this. The Kaid's Fortress second-in-command is seen as pretty closed off to people he doesn't trust. But while stoic and violent, Oryx is known for his calmness and has become a trusted advisor.
How much do Rainbow Six Siege operators weigh?
Looking for the weights of all Rainbow Six Siege operators? You can surprisingly find all of their weights online. Here they are:
- 115 lbs / 52 kg - Ying
- 124 lbs / 56 kg - Iana
- 125 lbs / 57 kg - Hibana
- 126 lbs / 57 kg - Mozzie
- 127 lbs / 58 kg - Twitch
- 127 lbs / 58 kg - Aruni
- 132 lbs / 60 kg - Mira
- 134 lbs / 61 kg - Valkyrie
- 137 lbs / 62 kg - Dokkaebi
- 138 lbs / 63 kg - Ash
- 139 lbs / 63 kg - Frost
- 139 lbs / 63 kg - Nomad
- 139 lbs / 63 kg - Alibi
- 149 lbs / 68 kg - Finka
- 149 lbs / 68 kg - Bandit
- 150 lbs / 68 kg - Ela
- 150 lbs / 68 kg - Melusi
- 152 lbs / 69 kg - Jäger
- 154 lbs / 70 kg - Smoke
- 154 lbs / 70 kg - Thunderbird
- 154 lbs / 70 kg - IQ
- 156 lbs / 71 kg - Ace
- 158 lbs / 72 kg - Echo
- 158.4 lbs / 72 kg - Thatcher
- 158.7 lbs / 72 kg - Rook
- 159 lbs / 72 kg - Zofia
- 160 lbs / 72 kg - Osa
- 160 lbs / 73 kg - Caveira
- 160 lbs / 73 kg - Clash
- 161 lbs / 73 kg - Vigil
- 163 lbs / 74 kg - Doc
- 165 lbs / 75 kg - Blitz
- 170 lbs / 77 kg - Zero
- 172 lbs / 78 kg - Jackal
- 172 lbs / 78 kg - Thorn
- 174 lbs / 79 kg - Glaz
- 176 lbs / 80 kg - Kapkan
- 176 lbs / 80 kg - Mute
- 177 lbs / 80 kg - Fuze
- 179 lbs / 80 kg - Thermite
- 181 lbs / 82 kg - Lesoin
- 181 lbs / 82 kg - Maverick
- 183 lbs / 83 kg - Goyo
- 185 lbs / 84 kg - Buck
- 185 lbs / 84 kg - Blackbeard
- 185 lbs / 84 kg - Amaru
- 187 lbs / 85 kg - Pulse
- 189 lbs / 86 kg - Castle
- 189.5 lbs / 86 kg - Tachanka
- 190 lbs / 86 kg - Capitão
- 192 lbs / 87 kg - Lion
- 192 lbs / 87 kg - Maestro
- 198 lbs / 90 kg - Warden
- 198 lbs / 90 kg - Montagne
- 209 lbs / 95 kg - Sledge
- 216 lbs / 98 kg - Kaid
- 225 lbs / 102 kg - Gridlock
- 287 lbs / 130 kg - Oryx
What are the Rainbow Six Siege operators' BMIs?
Want to get even more detailed when it comes to the physical appearance and health of each operator? For those who weirdly said "yes" we have the body mass index of each operator.
Someone's body mass index is calculated by using their height and weight. Almost every operators' height and weight is available online, making it quite easy to do these calculations.
A BMI of 25.0 or more is considered overweight. A healthy range is between 18.5 and 24.9. Most operators are pretty in shape, but there are some that have BMIs above 25.0. Here are the men with the highest BMIs in Rainbow Six Siege:
- 26.1 - Sledge
- 26.5 - Buck
- 26.7 - Lesion
Here are the women with the highest BMIs:
- 23.3 - Finka
- 23.4 - IQ
- 32.3 - Gridlock