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Rainbow Six Siege players notice more cheaters over holiday weekend

It somehow got worse.

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As expected, the holiday season has been tough for Rainbow Six Siege.

The holidays are when many new players decide to pick up the game and take some time grinding with other rookies. People have Steam gift cards and a lot of free time, so you're bound to come across a lot of fresh gamertags. But that also means more cheaters.

Rainbow Six Siege players have been struggling with an abundance of cheaters and hackers, similar to all other shooters with a lack of a good anti-cheat. Even though Ubisoft has spent some time explaining the efforts developers make to cut down on cheating, the playerbase is not happy with the state of the game, especially over the holiday weekend.

On Reddit, one player stated that they had played the game for two hours straight the day after Christmas. And every single game included a cheater. He said: "Not a single legit game!"

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Many Rainbow Six Siege players agreed that the game was in a rough state at the moment, with some calling it "unplayable." Some admitted that they even uninstalled the game due to the number of times they kept running into games with cheaters.

With Ubisoft currently relying on the community to catch cheaters rather than an effective anti-cheat program, it's no surprise that many competitive games are ravaged by hackers looking for easy wins.

How many cheaters are in Rainbow Six Siege?

The total amount of cheaters sneaking around in Rainbow Six Siege lobbies is impossible to know. But Ubisoft gave some numbers of their own in December 2021. The developers stated that they had banned over 222,800 accounts that were caught cheating. That's about 10,000 bans a month.

What are the most common cheats in Rainbow Six Siege?

Aimbots are the most common cheats found in shooters like Rainbow Six Siege. That's because this genre, which also includes VALORANT and CSGO, relies heavily on mechanical skills. Being accurate and fast when it comes to shooting at enemies will help you clear the way for your team and successfully execute strategies.

Is Rainbow Six Siege dying?

A lot of R6 fans that are fed up with cheating have accused the game of "dying." This is most likely due to the abundance of people leaving the game to avoid dealing with even more cheating. But Rainbow Six Siege isn't actually dying. The game has a healthy number of players, although the anti-cheat must improve going forward to avoid a decline in the playerbase in 2022.