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In-client live notifications for Rainbow Six esports debut with BR6 Finals promotion

Esports live notifications of matches inside the client are finally a reality, beginning with the Brazil Grand Final.

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The community constantly asks for additions and improvements to help Rainbow Six Siege’s growth. One of the most desired additions has been a bigger exposure of the esports scene inside the game itself.

Rainbow Six Siege Esports Director, Wei Yue, today announced the addition of live notifications for esports matches inside Rainbow Six Siege client.

The notification was in the game for just a few minutes, to indicate that the event was about to begin. However, players could not press on the link to watch the stream, so the notification was just informative. No website nor app would pop up when users pressed on it.

Although the notification being in the game for such a short period of time and the link not being functional are characteristics that should be changed, this clearly is a first step in the right direction. The community welcomed the addition and gave some thoughts on it.

The main goal with the addition of live notifications is clear: bringing the esports scene to the casual audience. We have had adverts for professional competitions on the main page of the game before, but this is the first time that the game has offered a live notification or a reminder of a competition being about to start.

This is not Ubisoft’s first attempt to bring esports to the daily life of casual players. In fact, R6 Share skins are a great way to connect both worlds -- casual and competitive.

The Sweden Major saw Tobias “BikiniBodhi” Emil join the analyst desk, acting as an in-between for the casual and the competitive world. BikiniBodhi spoke to SiegeGG before the Sweden Major kicked off, stating that he wanted to act as a “bridge”.

Every decision counts, and today has been a big step ahead. With some more work, this concept could be huge for Siege, and we will surely see more live notifications in the future.