Image via Ubisoft
Ubisoft has announced the official times and dates for the four regional Qualifier tournaments for the Six Invitational 2022. Teams from the four main regions will get one last shot to qualify for Rainbow Six Siege's biggest event. The winner of each Qualifier will earn their spot at SI.
The first phase will feature two open Qualifiers, which will feed into a closed Qualifier.
The format for the open Qualifiers will be a best of one, single elimination bracket with a best of three for the semi finals and grand final. One team from each open Qualifier will qualify for the second phase. Here are the dates and times:
Open Qualifier 1: Dec. 4 and 5, 2021 Open Qualifier 2: Dec. 18 and 19, 2021
The closed Qualifier will feature the winners of the two open Qualifiers and the next two highest placed NA teams in the SI Global Points Standings that did not qualify for SI - only four total.
Semi finals will be a best of three whereas the grand final will be a best of five.
All NA games in the closed and open Qualifiers will be held online.
The closed Qualifers will be held on Jan. 29-30.
Mexico, LATAM South, and Brazil will each get an open Qualifier tournament with the same format as NA. The open Qualifiers will be held on:
Mexico and LATAM South open Qualifiers: December 11 and 12, 2021 Brazil: December 18 and 19, 2021
One team from each subregion will qualify for the closed Qualifier.
The closed Qualifier for LATAM will be held on LAN in São Paulo, Brazil Jan. 15-16. No audience will be attending.
The three next-highest teams in the SI Global Points Standings that are not already qualified for the Six Invitational will be invited directly to the closed Qualifier to play the three open bracket teams. The two teams highest in the Global Points Standings will directly enter the playoffs in the closed Qualifier. The remaining four will take part in a group stage, featuring a round robin best of one format.
Semi finals will be in the best of three format, grand finals in best of five. The winner qualifies for SI.
The European open Qualifier will mirror NA's exactly, including the online competition portion. Here are the dates for the open Qualifier tournaments:
Dec. 4 and 5, 2021 Dec. 15 to 17, 2021
The closed Qualifier will be held from Jan. 22-23, 2022. It will also be online, and follow NA's closed Qualifier format.
APAC's format will mirror EU and NA's, but with two caveats: APAC South and North have separate open Qualifiers, and the closed Qualifier will be held offline at a location yet to be determined. Here are the dates for the open Qualifier:
APAC South Division: December 4 and 5, 2021 APAC North Division: December 11 and 12, 2021
Jan. 8-9, 2022 will be the dates for the offline, no-audience, closed Qualifier.
Ubisoft gives updates on fan attendance at SI 2022
Ubisoft's call to not have fans at SI 2022 was met with disappointment from the community.
In an update to their decision, Ubisoft stated in the Qualifier announcement that "We will continue to monitor the global situation over the coming months and will reevaluate the option of a limited on-site audience in January 2022, should the local requirements and restrictions allow it. In parallel, we are dedicated to making the Six Invitational 2022 a true moment of celebration for the community at large. We are working on new ideas that we look forward to sharing with you soon."