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Tempo Storm Acquires 2Faced

Ahead of their appearance at the US Nationals Finals in a few weeks' time, the American organisation of Tempo Storm has acquired the newly promoted Pro League team of 2Faced.

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The 2Faced roster was initially formed in July this year just ahead of the Challenger League qualifiers. Despite briefly falling down into the losers bracket, they won the very first qualifier and made it to the Challenger League where they surprised many with their success. While Obey Alliance took a commanding lead, 2Faced and Rise Nation battled it out for second place since the mid-season, with the two teams tied on points with two playdays remaining. Eventually, both teams ended the season with 19 points, meaning 2Faced’s 6-6, 7-4 victory over Rise was the difference to push them into the Pro League relegation matchup against Rogue.

The end of season standings in the NA Challenger League via

This game was undoubtedly tighter than Soniqs vs Obey game, however, 2Faced proved their worth as a few rounds on map two of Consulate were key to defeating Rogue 2-1 (2-7, 7-5, 7-2) to qualify for the Pro League. The day prior to this matchup, 2Faced also played another promising roster in Katsu in the US National qualifiers, where another 2-1 victory (7-3, 3-7, 7-3) booked their tickets to the $158,000 LAN Finals in Las Vegas.

Now, as the team prepares for these two huge tournaments in the coming weeks, they have joined the Tempo Storm organisation as they expand their presence in R6 esports:

Tempo Storm was first founded in 2014 by the Hearthstone player of Andrey "Reynad" Yanyuk and has expanded significantly since. The Tempo Storm (TS) Hearthstone roster has now grown to five members (including Reynad), and TS currently has teams in Heroes of the Storm -- where they finished last years World Championships in the quarter-finals -- Fortnite, FIFA, Magic the Gathering, and PUBG, where they finished 14th in the $4m 2019 Global Championship. As well as this, Tempo Storm has also previously been in games such as League of Legends, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, with the latter including players now on teams such as MIBR, INTZ e-Sports, Furia and Luminosity Gaming.

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The Tempo Storm roster which won Season 9 of the CS:GO CEVO Pro League via DreamHack

Ryan Turner, Tempo Storm's Partnerships & Marketing Manager had the following to say about the pickup:

Rainbow Six Siege is a game that I’ve personally been heavily invested in for years, and one that all of us at Tempo have had our eyes on for a very long time. Siege boasts a narrative and coming-of-age story unlike any other in esports, and we firmly believe this title is only just beginning to garner the attention it truly deserves. We’re incredibly excited to finally have the opportunity to be a part of this amazing community, and we could think of no better squad to represent us than Butterzz, Creators, Dream, Filthy, and Krazy. We’re eager to tell their stories, build upon the rich history of this scene, and firmly establish our own legacy in Rainbow Six Siege.

This pickup won’t be the first time Tempo Storm has ventured into R6, as they also signed the ex-Pro League player of Steven "Snake_Nade" White as a streamer after he retired following appearances at the Pro League Finals in Seasons 1 to 4 and a runners-up finish the 2017 Six Invitational. Now, as their first competitive lineup prepares for their first real test in two weeks' time, we spoke to the team about the pickup:

Why did you choose Tempo Storm, did you have many other offers and what made TS stand out?

Krazy: I think Tempo Storm's reputation in esports precedes them. They’re a legendary org that I’m honored to be apart of now. Their staff has gone above and beyond our expectations showing major interest in us before Challenger League even started. We did have a lot of other offers once I posted the LFO tweet but Tempo stood out more than the other orgs because of their interest in us prior to CL starting. After our matches KandiVan (GM of Tempo), who the team and I got very close with during the season, would message us with supportive messages and just checked in on us as a team. Tempo Storm's support for the players is unmatched, let alone we get free Red Bull so goodluck to everyone in Ranked.

What kind of support are you guys getting from your new organization that you didn’t have before?

Creators: Tempo Storm has gone above and beyond to support us as a team. Firstly, we are salaried which is a step in the direction of being full time being what we all want. As well as this we have access to sponsorship deals and a team house to help us succeed in the future.

How have you been preparing for USN vs Soniqs?

Dream: We have just been trying to work on us as a team. We are a new Pro League team and still have alot to learn. But if we execute properly, communicate, and work together I have no doubts we will win.

Introduce your team and roles; as a new team to PL many fans aren’t familiar with you

Butterz: We are young raw talent and all share the same goal and will do whatever it takes to be the best! You have Krazy who brings an incredible amount of experience and amazing IGL skills. Dream who is the best player to touch the game but plays support 'cuz he is terrific at it. Creators is the young gun with the best aim i have ever seen in my life. Filthy the playmaker and hype guy. And me "Butterzz" just doing my job best as i can to help the team get the dubs and keep getting them!

What are your goals over the next 6 months as a team?

Filthy: I want to build a dynasty and win a championship

Tempo Storms’ debut game will be on December 13th against the Susquehanna Soniqs in the US Nationals quarter-finals followed by a possible game against either SSG or DarkZero for a spot in the grand-finals with the following roster:

Alex "Butterzz" O'Campo

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Mitch "Dream" Malson

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Tim "Creators" Humpherys

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Xavier "Filthy" Garcia

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Giuliano "Krazy" Solon

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Trevor "KenZ" D Kenzie (their coach)

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David "DnA" Thomas (their co-analyst)

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Tanner "Forceful" McHattie (their co-analyst)

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