Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has finally graced this world with its improved gameplay, but is it actually better than its predecessors?
CoD: Black Ops 6 spent 4 years in development (more than any other installation in the franchise!) to give us a direct continuation of the events of CoD: Black Ops - Cold War (2020). Players fell in love with its improved familiar features and brand-new advancements, but does that make it better than other installations in the series? Let's see!
How is Black Ops 6 different from the previous installments in the series?

Images from Black Ops 6 and Black Ops
What's different?
Story CampaignThe plot sees players following the trail of a global political conspiracy evolving in various corners of the globe. We can meet our favorite characters, including Frank Woods or Russell Adler. But what sets this title apart from previous ones is its focus on war. Sure, there are still secret missions and a spy-action vibe - but the battles offer a much larger scale than, for example, those from Modern Warfare 3 (2023). Now, we can admire the enormity of war destruction up close, participate in brutal assaults, see the power of explosions, and get lost in the omnipresent dust. It's a shocking scenery but definitely a welcome one.
Another difference between CoD: BO6 and previous installations is the creators' bold step toward combining a classic FPS with thriller/horror features. Some missions don't shy away from scaring the player with classic strategies used by Resident Evil or Silent Hill developers. Sometimes, the game feels spooky, sometimes more like a political thriller - but never monotonous. Fans of more realistic solutions may experience a love/hate relationship with this title, but those who don't mind already have a blast.
Zombies ModeWe can't ignore the elephant in the room, can we? Zombies mode (first introduced in 2008) returns with two new, larger round-based maps - Liberty Falls and Terminus. Another massive change is that solo players can finally save their progress and return to it any time (if they're not currently being evacuated or damaged). Aside from these vital changes, Zombies mode retains the style from Cold War - it's just as campy, chaotic, and fun. Players praise it for the noticeably higher difficulty level and enhanced progression system (although many perceive it a bit soulless compared to previous versions).
Multiplayer ModeThe Multiplayer Mode arrived with sixteen new maps, including twelve for 6v6 gameplay and four where players can fight 6v6 and 2v2. According to die-hard series fans, the title offers heavenly smooth gunplay, well-tuned TTK, and a fast pace that gets the job done.
However, the most innovative change compared to previous installations is Omnimovement. It's the first time players can move in all directions (it works in all game modes but is crucial in multiplayer). They can slide, sprint, and turn around lying down. We probably don't have to add such a possibility as a real game-changer in offensive and defensive actions! Also, the ability to aim in all directions while lying on the ground noticeably adds realism and spectacularity to the familiar gameplay experience. Battles are unbelievably dynamic, engaging, and satisfying.
Accessibility SettingsBlack Ops 6 (the first installment in the Call of Duty series) offers asymmetrical hearing compensation settings, letting players design custom audio. This new feature introduces Reduced Tinnitus Sound, modifying the sounds of Concussion and Flash Grenades. And that's not all, as the title returns with the already familiar accessibility settings in an improved version. There are enhanced High Contrast Mode, Intelligent Movement, HUD Presets, and Arachnophobia Settings for Zombies mode.
Elite Enemies
While the Elite Enemies are already familiar to Call of Duty players, Black Ops 6 makes them even harder to beat. Being fast is no longer enough, and well-timed headshots are no match for these NPCs' power. Players must take their time and plan the right strategy to find their opponent's weak points.
What's wrong?
In addition to the mentioned features and slightly soulless Zombies mode, players notice some changes for the worse, like bland characters and predictable plot twists. The game feels like a stopover between subsequent installations, not a single, coherent experience. There are also mixed opinions about the available maps, which seem surprisingly unbalanced.

Is this the best game in the series?
Since Black Ops 6 is still struggling with a few technical issues, players are hesitant about this statement. However, Treyarch tries to meet its fans' expectations - a great example is the return of the widely beloved Nuketown. So far, the title boasts a must-play campaign, solid multiplayer, an undeniably fun Zombies mode, and the revolutionary Omnimovement system. That's quite a lot for one FPS game! But is it the best? Not exactly, as there's still a lot to fix. All we can say is only time will tell what Black Ops will become in the future. And is Black Ops 6 worth playing? Unquestionably! The wide array of improvements, story solutions, improved gameplay mechanics, and accessibility settings make it one of the best releases in the franchise's history.
Black Ops 6 is not the best Call of Duty installment yet, but it has a chance to become one soon. The most important feature of this title is it brings a lot of fun. Since its release, players report it's the first such good game since the classic Call of Duty installments. The campaign is a blast, multiplayer reveals new strategic possibilities thanks to Omnimovement, and the Zombies mode is as chaotic as ever. All this (paired with technical improvements) provides a solid CoD experience many devoted fans have anticipated for years.
Want to check the differences yourself? Grab Black Ops 6 and all the previous installations on G2A.COM!