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Shotguns to be tweaked in Operation Heavy Mettle

Shotguns will be tweaked in Operation Heavy Mettle.

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Ubisoft confirmed today a potential change coming to shotguns in Rainbow Six Siege. The idea behind the update is to make them more reliable and precise. However, Sledge's shotgun won't be affected by the tweak.

Read more: Shotgun Tier List - What are the best shotguns in Rainbow Six Siege?

Shotguns to be more reliable

Starting with Operation Heavy Mettle, shotguns will be more reliable and precise. Depending on how the player positions, the impact of the shots will create more destruction.

This means that operators with shotguns will be more precise when aiming but will be more destructive when not aiming. Shotguns will be even more destructive when combining moves with no aim, a tactic most people have used with the Bailiff to create rotations.

What are the best shotguns in Rainbow Six Siege?

Every shotgun is different in Rainbow Six Siege. These are very powerful guns as they put you in a better position when taking short-distance gunfights.

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Ela's shotgun is possibly the best in Rainbow Six Siege. Its magazine allows you to shoot ten times before having to reload. It's a semi-automatic shotgun, which makes the FO-12 a great weapon to play aggressively.

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Smoke's shotgun is the most popular shotgun in Rainbow Six Siege. Both Mute and Smoke use it as it's pivotal to create rotations and new angles of sight. Although it's a pump shotgun, this gun is very good when defending the site.

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Last but not least, Buck's Skeleton Key is possibly the best shotgun on attack. He can quickly switch from his main gun to the Skeleton Key as the gadget is attached to it.