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Razer 'unveil' Cthulhu: A not at all scary AI-powered gaming chair

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Never want to get up your gaming chair? Yeah, we need to talk about that... As Razer has come to the rescue, 'unveiling' a new AI-infused gaming chair called Cthulhu.

The chair is pretty standard Razer fare - well-made, black with green highlights - apart from the eight AI-powered tentacles that promise to "cater to your every need."

Yes, this is the gaming chair of your dreams. These AI-powered robotic arms, which Razer promises have a "96.9% chance of always listening to you", can feed, give you a massage, and even shave you—meaning you never have to get up—even if you want to!

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On March 31, though likely April 1 somewhere, Razer released a video and a page on its site about this AI-powered gaming future.

According to the promotional material, the chair's arms "operate on their own" and are highly versatile. They even feature a "Hide n' Seek" mode, an aftermarket suggestion by a customer.

Of course, let's stop being ridiculous. This sentient gaming chair isn't real. It's just this year's example of Razer's always maximum effort April Fools-ing.

From the Razer Toaster to the Eidolon drone, which promised to give wearers the ability to live their life in third-person, the latter an April Fools so good it fooled a government official (in 2014 when that was more difficult), Razer always brings the goods on April Fools.

They always lean on some trend, fear, or inevitable endpoint, and this year is the march of artificial intelligence. As a PSA, it's a funny one, but really, it's just given me a forewarning not to believe everything I hear tomorrow.