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What does SVP mean in Marvel Rivals?

Not everyone can be an MVP, but SVP isn't too bad

Marvel Rivals key art
Credit: NetEase/Marvel

Are you wondering what an SVP in Marvel Rivals is? Don't worry, we got you covered.

The NetEase third-person hero shooter has finally launched after much anticipation, featuring dozens of Marvel characters and plenty of cosmetics to unlock.

A few of the cosmetics include highlights for players that earn the MVP decoration during a match. However, there's a secondary acronym that has players confused: SVP.

What exactly does that mean? Let's solve the mystery. While you're here, consider checking out everything we know about upcoming characters such as Mr. Fantastic.

SVP in Marvel Rivals explained

In short, SVP stands for the second-valuable player. Essentially, it's a player with a standout performance, just below the MVP of a match.

The Marvel Rivals stats menu

Being an SVP is essentially a consolation prize

The SVP is always granted to the best player of the losing team. During testing periods, players confirmed that being the SVP protected them from losing ranks in competitive play.

Marvel Rivals has a lot of metrics to determine who gets the MVP or SVP consecrations, but the general consensus is that eliminations and game output seem to matter the most.

Still, healers can also get the SVP nod if they provide enough value via healing done or assists as well as adding extra DPS to their teams.

It's great to see that NetEase is adding things like the SVP award as it could potentially make players try to put in constant good performances even if a match seems like it will end on a loss.

If they keep the competitive de-rank protection for SVP players like in previous betas, we can see it becoming something to strive for even when all hope seems lost.

And that's pretty much all you need to know about it. We have plenty of more Marvel Rivals content for you to enjoy, including a look at all playable characters in the base roster and all working codes so you can earn free cosmetics.