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Aaron Keller announces 6v6 playtests are coming to Overwatch 2

The 6v6 debate is on...

Zarya and Illari from Overwatch 2 battling in Runasapi map
Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

After promising to tackle the topic a few weeks back, Aaron Keller has shared an article where he talks about the 6v6 format and the possibility of its return in Overwatch 2.

The article is quite extensive and goes through the reasons why 5v5 was implemented for the sequel, with the director specifically mentioning how reducing the teams by one player benefits each role differently and also citing other reasons known by the community like less visual clutter.

However, the interesting part about this article is that the team is open to hearing the community's feedback and is working to prepare a test session of the 6v6 format. There isn't a date set for this playtest but it sounds like it could happen very soon.

overwatch 2 heroes fighting in the runasapi map

If you are hoping for the old format to return, Keller also explained that there are many difficulties behind that. One of them is related to technical performance since having one extra player on each team could impact heavily on older hardware.

The game features graphical improvements, a better UI, technically demanding hero kits, and more. So being able to run it smoothly is a harder task than what it was with its predecessor.

Overwatch 2’s director mentioned that the team has a few ideas on how to make this work but this would require several seasons to accomplish, meaning that if the 6v6 tests are positive and the format gets a seal of approval from the developers, it might take a long time to happen.

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