The mousesports roster of Beastly, vandal, VertcL, Hyper, England and morxzas (their coach) has left the organisation after two seasons under their banner. After acquiring the previous roster of 1nfamy (then known as Bird University) mousesports participated in both Season 7 and season 8 of Pro League, finishing in fifth place both times.

The mouz roster at dreamHack Montreal via Liquipedia.
As well as this mouz also competed in a number of smaller tournaments such as DreamHack Montreal, where they fell to the eventual winners, Cloud9, in the quarter-finals, and the US Nationals where they, last month, booked themselves a spot at the LAN Finals in December. They now leave the org following the expiration of their contract with a new organisation already signed with.

The announcement of the changes via a Twitlonger.
Along with the org announcement came a change to the lineup with morxzas leaving the roster after a year with the team. As seen above this is due to the new organisation being unwilling to pay his salary forcing him to leave the role on the team. This would be a huge blow for the lineup as only a very few serious Pro League teams lack a coach with many rosters including multiple support staff.

morxzas talking to VandaL at DreamHack Montreal via @DreamHackR6
This roster can next be seen when they play in Season 9 of the Pro League as well as in Las Vegas from December 15-16th at the US Nationals LAN Finals under their new organisation. Both of these tournaments can be seen on the usual rainbow6 Twitch account.
To read about other recent roster changes check out our NA Transfer Season thread.