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Rainbow Six Siege players marvel at unexpected artwork on Kafe Dostroyevsky

This painting is a bit distracting to some players.

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There is no denying that the maps in Rainbow Six Siege are quite complex and intricate. Recently, a Siege player pointed out something on Kafe Dostoyevsky they had never seen before — and it's not a new angle or anything like that. It's art.

Rainbow Six Siege player notices art on map

One Reddit user recently pointed out that he noticed a beautiful work of art in 1F Bakery after 1,400 hours of playing. By simply looking up, they noticed a scene taken from Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel painting. Mid-battle, the player started taking a closer look at the stunning details of the painting.

And by that, I mean other Reddit users noticed exactly where the player was staring based on his crosshairs.


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But other players also realized this was a detail they had never noticed in the map either. Another R6 player commented that they had played Rainbow Six Siege for 2,500 hours and still never noticed the art on the bakery's ceiling. A Siege player who put 4,000 hours into the game echoed the same sentiment.

One player joked that it's because gamers never look up. This is true for a lot of FPS titles but it's not as common for Rainbow Six Siege, since the game has a unique focus on vertical play. Still, this isn't a destructible ceiling so there really is no reason for R6 players to suddenly stare upwards mid-battle.

The fact that the Rainbow Six Siege developers still took time to put in this much detail in an area where they knew most players wouldn't look is quite commendable.

Kafe Dostoyevsky was recently reworked and it appears that the artwork survived the changes. Many fans are hoping that this remains the case going forward. For some, it's an ode to how detailed Rainbow Six maps really are. To others, it's a chance to see some unexpected booba during an intense fight. A lot of players have apparently been using the artwork as the bakery's new callout name.

But one oblivious fan said: "Oh, I didn't know of this either until a random sneaky teammate of mine set his drone facing straight at this. I nearly choked when I saw the nudity."

What is Kafe Dostoyevsky?

This is one of the original 10 maps launched alongside Rainbow Six Siege. It's a classy cafe in central Moscow that is all about glamour and luxury. There is a cocktail lounge, a reading room, a giant kitchen, a cigar lounge, and even a train museum. A lot of the classy decor is destructable, making it a pretty satisfying map throughout the years.

The map is said to take inspiration from a real-life cafe in Moscow called Café Pushkin.