As SiegeGG's hub for all roster changes in the transfer window post-Stage 3 of the 2021 season, this page will be regularly updated with the latest transfer news. Check out the APAC, NA, and LATAM threads for changes within those regions as well.
Summary of Changes So Far
- Empire - RayzerGM returns to coach, Zheka leaves
- G2 - Jonka benched, Doki, Prano, Alem4o signed
- NAVI - jahk and DraZ set to be released
- Rogue - Prano, AceeZ, and rcuth leave, Kantoraketti, Deapek, and Saethus join
- V.p- karzheka, wTg, and KaMa dropped
- Team Vitality - org drops roster, Mowwwgli replaces Kaktus in roster
- Secret - Sleepy released
- Cowana - Rideoo benched, Anarchic moves to coaching role, roster joins Heroic
- Heroic - drops roster, acquires cowana roster, UUNO joins
Roster Changes
March 28th: Rogue signs Delta Project analyst Saethus
March 14th: Team Empire signs flaers0 as analyst
March 12th: Rogue signs former G2 star Kantoraketti, former Gamma player Deapek
March 6th: Heroic signs cowana Gaming roster, adds UUNO
Heroic has announced the acquisition of the ex-Cowana Gaming roster ahead of the 2022 EUL Season. In addition, the ex-G2 player of Aleksi "UUNO" Työppönen has been signed after Ralph "Anarchic" Coates was moved to a coaching role in Jan. 2021.
To learn more about this move check out our dedicated article on the change.
March 2nd: Mrofficer88 joins Heroic from Cowana
The Norweigan coach, Murat "Mrofficer88" Motevalli, has joined Heroic from cowana Gaming. He previously coached cowana to win the 2020 EU Challenger League to earn a spot in the 2021 EU League. Since then cowana finished the three EU League stages in third, seventh, and sixth place.
This makes Mrofficer88 Heroic's only signed member after they dropped their prior roster a week prior. Heroic also don't own a EU League license after they were relegated at the end of last year. This has led to speculation over possible Heroic roster pickups.
March 1st: Rogue releases Prano, AceeZ, and rcuth
In a surprise move, the German duo of Kevin "Prano" Pranowitz and Maurice "AceeZ" Erkelenz have left Rogue alongside their British strategic coach, Ramiz "rcuth" Cuthbert.
This comes after a joint-third place finish at the Sweden Major and a joint-13th finish at SI 2022.
February 28th: Mowwwgli joins former Team Vitality roster
Yanis "Mowwwgli" Dahmani has joined the ex-Vitality lineup to replace Kaktus. Mowwwgli previously finished fourth in 2021's EU Challenger League on Totem Esports.
February 24th: Zheka leaves Team Empire, RayzerGM back to coach
Five months after moving to the role of coach on Team Empire, Eugene "Zheka" Bokhanov has left the team. He will be replaced by the team's ex-coach, Oleg "RayzerGM" Kuchin.
RayzerGM was Empire's coach during their biggest early results, the Pro League Season 9 and Raleigh Major titles as well as the runners-up finishes at SI 2019 and the Mexico Major. Zheka meanwhile was the team's analyst during the Mexico Major and the team's coach at the SI 2022 grand-final.
February 23rd: Heroic drops Rainbow Six Siege roster
The five remaining members of Heroic leaves the organization. This comes after the roster was dropped from Tempra and TrainHard over the last year before joining Heroic for Stage 3. Heroic ended this stage in ninth leading to their auto-relegation from the EU League.
It is unclear if Heroic aims to keep their Challenger League spot with a new roster or if the organization is leaving R6S and the players keep the Challenger League spot under a new organization.
February 21st: NAVI coaches jahk and DraZ set to be released
Natus Vincere's two French coaches, Razig "DraZ" Abida and Cyril "jahk" Renoud, have announced that their contracts are coming to an end as they are set to be released from the organization.
February 21st: Former Team Vitality roster drops Kaktus
Despite helping the Vitality organization to reach their first global event in three years, the ex-Vitality roster has opted to drop Medhi "Kaktus" Marty from the roster.
February 11th: Team Vitality drops roster
After six years in R6 Esports, Team Vitality has left the scene dropping all eight members of their R6 division.
In this time the organization attended two Six Invitationals -- SI17 on the Xbox and SI18 on the PC -- two Six Majors, four Six Minors, and two Pro League Finals on the Xbox, winning the title in Season 3.
As well as this, they were also relegated from the Pro League on two occasions and most recently achieved their best performance in three years during Stage 3. Read our full coverage of this move here.
February 7th: Virtus.Pro benches karzheka, wTg, KaMA
After the stages finishes of sixth, sixth, and fifth, Virtus.pro has opted to drop Artyom "wTg" Morozov, Eugene "karzheka" Petrishin, and their coach, Alexander "KaMa" Chernyshov. This comes after the whole V.p roster were "benched" back in December.
Virtus.pro's CEO, Sergey Glamazda, stated the following about the change:
“2021 has been a tough year for Virtus.pro in R6. Selective transfers didn’t work out quite as we expected and it became clear that big changes needed to be done. Each player from our R6 roster is strong individually, but team chemistry proved to be an extremely difficult thing to work on together. It often requires rebuilding the roster to make it work again. We are grateful to Eugene, Artyom and Alex for their immense contribution to the team’s progress. I’m sure they’ll find the success they deserve.
February 4th: G2 Esports benches Jonka
Eight months after joining G2 Esports from MnM Gaming, Jonas "Jonka" Kaczmarzyk has been benched from the roster. In this time G2 exited the Six Mexico Major in the group stage and finished fourth during the EUL 2021 Finals.
Jan. 29: Anarchic moved to coach position on cowana Gaming
One of cowana’s three remaining initial pickups of Ralph "Anarchic" Coates has been moved from a player position to that of a strategic coach after a weak Stage 3 performance.
Anarchic played with the cowana organization through last year’s Challenger League season of which they won to be promoted into the 2021 EUL tournament. Since then cowana has finished in third, seventh, and sixth with Anarchic achieving individual ratings of 0.78, 0.84, and 0.77 while playing as the team’s primary support player.
Now, a week after falling to MNM Gaming in the SI22 qualifier grand-final, Anarchic has been moved to a coaching position alongside their existing coach, Murat "Mrofficer88" Motevalli, and their analyst, David "davil" Tóth.
January 29th: Sleepy released from Secret
Team Secret's British analyst, Josh "Sleepy" Franks, has been released.
Oct. 21st: Rideoo benched by cowana Gaming
Cowana Gaming's strategic coach Josh "Rideoo" Riding has been benched by the team following a sixth-placed finish across the EUL 2021 Season.
Rideoo joined the team back in April this year and has worked alongside Mrofficer88 and davil to help the team to a third, seventh, and sixth-place finish in each stage of cowana's debut EUL Season.