The 6: Siege board game has been fully funded via Kickstarter, with it currently standing at $1,473,899 raised from its initial $100,000 goal thanks to 10,407 individual backers (at the time of writing). The campaign will close later tonight at 11pm CEST.
A full rundown on the game and the Kickstarter tiers can be found in our launch article, here.
Across the Kickstarter campaign, a number of daily rewards were unlocked and social media polls were run to determine the seven exclusive board game minis and video game skins that will release with various versions of the game.
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Exclusive In-Game Skins
As announced with the Kickstarter launch, there will be seven exclusive skins available to the game's backers.
These skins, each of which is based on another Mythic Games product (released or still in development), were chosen via votes on social media as two different designs were pitted against each other throughout the last week.
The winning designs will be included as a mini in the box with its own operator card and will be released as a Uniform and Headgear in the video game itself.
Not all of these skins will be available to all pledges, however, as one comes with the $69 main box, one more comes with each of the five expansion boxes (all five additional skins are included in both the $199 and $269 pledges), and a seventh comes exclusively with the $269 "Smooth Operator Pledge" bundle.
The winning designs and where they are unlocked via is as follows:
- "Queen's Warrior" Tachanka beat "Second Crew" Ash. This is available to all Kickstarter backers.
Inspired from our HEL: The Last Saga game... known for his ferocity in melee combat and an uncanny ability to deal damage at a distance, Tachanka often represents the last line of defense that hostiles would have to get through to reach their objective; and they regularly fail. He can deal massive amounts of damage, while hurting him seems quite futile most of the time.

- "Sulka" Hibana beat "Mama Quilla" Caviera This is available to those who got the Year 1 expansion.
Hibana will rock a naga-ish appearance you can definitely tie to one of our games where mages summon famed legends from the past to fight in a grandiose tournament, the Super Brawl. Yes, she boasts Sulka’s mask and garb! Sulka is a master puppeteer, and, through her dark influence, has caused kingdoms and empires to collapse. Remembered as one of the most infamous schemers Fabulosa has ever known, she is one of the standout combatants of the Super Brawl from our Super Fantasy Brawl game!

- "Jangshi" Lesion beat "Kumiho" Dokkaebi This is available to those who got the Year 2 expansion.
Lesion is pictured as… a Jiangshi. Jiangshi are mythical Chinese beings – corpses risen again, thirsty for qi. They have been brought back to this state of unlife by a Taoist priest. Bordering on our Western zombies and vampires, the jiangshi as we know it have been shaped by the 80s Hong-Kong movie industry, with either the way they dress or the way they move (or hop).

- "Zombie Gunslinger" Maestro beat "Vril-Infused" Maverick This is available to those who got the Year 3 expansion.
You’ll certainly notice that Maestro is rocking a gunslinger outfit… yet, our desperado is quite weathered! Is it a tribute to the spaghetti westerns produced in the 60s and 70s by Italian studios? Quite surely.

- "Prudence" Nøkk beat "Hardraker's Crew" Mozzie This is available to those who got the Year 4 expansion.
Imbued with the spiritual virtue of Prudence, Nøkk is probably one of the best support Operators. In our Solomon Kane game, Prudence helps constantly illuminate the best path for our Puritan to take and is all about helping the other Virtues to accomplish their goals efficiently as well.

- "Blake" Ace beat "Miéville" Melusi This is available to those who got the Year 5 expansion.
Ace is reskinned as… Cpl. Blake from the Western Alliance! This war-leader from the unknown West has brought a host of armored cars to Europa… Despite their tech, the Western Alliance is desperate: they fled the disease only to find out Europa suffers from the same blight.

- Finally, "Cyber-Judge" Jager beat "Scottish Blacksmith" Sledge This is available only to those who pledged at the top tier of $269
Jäger will be gritty, broody, and judgy! He comes from a genre we love – cyberpunk, and it might make for a great game in the future… who knows? Anyway, our art director had heaps of fun putting this skin on Jäger!
These skins will presumably come with the box when it ships out next year meaning backers still have a long wait before they can be equipped and developers have plenty of time to complete all of the skins.
Daily Rewards
As well as this, a new Kickstarter-exclusive addition, such as a reskinned gadget was revealed on every day of the campaign.
These additions will not be included in a possible future retail release of the game meaning after tonight they will no longer be available.
- Day 1 -- Five transparent Camera standees to replace the cardboard ones

- Day 2 -- Three transparent Bullet-Proof Camera standees to replace the cardboard ones
- Day 3 -- Three transparent Mute Jammer standees and three transparent Valkyrie camera standees to replace the cardboard ones
- Day 4 -- High quality, double-layered Tactical Inventory boards
- Day 5 -- 12 transparent standees for the smoke, fire, and gas effects

- Day 6 -- An exclusive "Recruit Player Mode" including four minis and operator cards
- Day 7 -- Two transparent Evil Eye standees, a 3D drone token, and a 3D round tracker token
- Day 8 -- Two transparent Wamai Disk standees, and a 3D hostage token

- Day 9 -- Two transparent Argus Camera standees, and three 3D bomb tokens
- Day 10 -- The Year 6 Operator of Flores available to all backers
- Day 11 -- The Year 6 Operator of Thunderbird available to all backers, and two additional pieces of furniture
A lot of these daily rewards are simply higher-quality gadget stands and objective tokens, however, the addition of Flores, Thunderbird, and the added Recruits game-mode to all tiers of support are pretty notable and fun sounding additions.
Here's Flores' full description via Mythic Games:
Flores has an exploding drone that destroys and wounds after scanning. This is awesome because it allows you to scout an area, possibly reveal a Hidden Operator token, maybe even wound some Operators, and destroy some gadgets and breach some walls… all in one fell swoop! Good use of this RCE-RATERO drone will also affect team loadout, as you won’t put as many drones in your inventory, giving you space for other (possibly more deadly) things.

Here's Thunderbord's description:
Thunderbird is a fantastic support Operator. She is all about preventing damage being taken in specific rooms. However, her Kóna stations, which enable this ability, work on both Attackers and Defenders… So, sometimes, once the attackers have entered a room with a station, you’ll want to destroy your own device to prevent them from benefiting from that gadget! This high power ceiling Operator can really make a difference by making the defence nigh impregnable.
And finally, here's a short rundown on the exclusive Recruits mode:
The Recruit will be set up with its stats covered with Charge cubes and Inexperience cubes. This means he starts by not being able to shoot very decisively on the target. But, as the game goes on, you’ll be able to remove those charge/inexperience cubes from them. They will gain extra firepower this way, but you choose what to remove: do you want them to be long range or close combat Operators? Do you want to balance their stats? You can, but you have to keep them alive. There’s a mix of Inexperienced and Charge cubes on them. If you remove Inexperienced cubes, they simply level up. If you remove a Charge cube… well, that’s added to the team’s tactical inventory! This can give you fuel mid-game, but can also drive your upgrade pattern.
Pledge Breakdown
While that's everything that's available exclusively to the 10,000 kickstarter backers, we can get a look at the popularity of each tier as well.
Firstly, here's a recap of what each tier entails as seen in our launch article, here:
- $69 -- The base game, an in-game R6S weapon skin, and the additional operator of Zero
- $199 -- The prior bonuses plus all five-year expansions, two map packs, and six R6 video game skins
- $269 -- The prior bonuses plus an additional dice tray, dice set, and another in-game skin
Now looking at the breakdown, here's how many people supported each tier so far with around three hours remaining in the campaign:
- $69 -- 3,324 pledges totaling $229,356
- $199 -- 2,375 pledges totaling $472,625
- $269 -- 2,786 pledges totaling $749,434
The remaining $1,819 was made via the $1 tier, which doesn't come with the game itself but is a way to access the Pledge Manager as a way to order just a single expansion on its own for example.
While in most campaigns the lowest possible tier to get the game is by far the most popular, the "Premium All-In" pledge in the 6: Siege campaign basically attracted the same number of people as the lowest tier, despite it being almost four times the cost.

SiegeGG will be covering 6: Siege's launch when it finally comes out next year as well as any and all following board game tournaments as the game expands the Rainbow Six gaming universe.