Banner Image: Ubisoft/João Ferreira
Update (19 Jun):
MIBR analyst Guilherme "Guille" Scalfi has announced that Felipe "FelipoX" De Lucia will play against Ninjas in Pyjamas (NiP) later tonight despite his impending shoulder surgery. However, he will be using a controller so as to reduce the load on his shoulder.
The news comes despite yesterday's announcement that the team coach Budega would be standing in, a role that he played in last night's 5-7 loss to FaZe Clan.
However, Guille stated that the surprising nature of FelipoX's injury and his decision to opt for surgery left Budega with not enough time to train and reach the standard that is sufficient for the team.
The statement likely refers to in-game communication, which Matheus "Budega" Figueiredo possibly struggled with last night, and is something that FelipoX will still be able to do to fulfill MIBR's needs despite playing on a controller.
Following a sensational run at the Six Invitational 2021, MIBR have been struck by a setback as Felipe "FelipoX" De Lucia has announced that he will be unable to play in Stage 2 of the BR6 due to necessary shoulder surgery.
Playing in his stead will be the team coach of Matheus "Budega" Figueiredo instead.
In the Twitlonger, FelipoX revealed how he is afflicted with ligamentous laxity in the shoulder, which he discovered after having dislocated his shoulder two weeks ago.
While initially opting to treat it with physiotherapy and conditioning, and recovering well enough to return to training earlier this week, he has now opted for the surgery after suffering another dislocation yesterday.
The surgery will have a recovery period of one month, which will rule the Brazilian out of any games in Stage 2 of the 2021 season, though he seemed upbeat of returning by the time the Elite Six Cup gets underway.
In Stage 1 of the BR6, FelipoX had been the second-highest rated MIBR player and had been the team's designated Ash-Jaeger player.
At the Six Invitational, too, he had been vital to MIBR's third-place efforts, having been the highest rated player for his team and 11th-highest rated overall.
Budega, meanwhile, has no formal competitive experience as a player. As such, this situation could affect MIBR significantly.

(Image: Ubisoft)
The BR6 ruleset that sums stage points together for qualification to the August and November Majors, as well as the Six Invitational, could thus prove to be a double-edged sword for the team.
While MIBR had finished in second in the Stage 1 Copa Elite Six, which should be enough for the August Major, it is possible that MIBR is affected badly enough to miss out on the November Major and the Six Invitational 2022 after a sufficiently poor Stage 2.
However, the fears may be unfounded if MIBR is able to qualify for the Stage 2 Copa Elite Six and if FelipoX is able to return before its start.