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IDK Welcomes Helbee as Coach

“They gave me an opportunity to prove what I can do and I took it!”

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After their important victory over Edenity which secured them a seat at the Paris Majors, IDK have just announced their replacement for Ferral -- our very own Debrief host, Louis “Helbee” Bureau.

When asked why the team decided to bring on a new coach they had this to say:

When Ferral left we thought we'd be okay, he did the notes etc, but Lacky made detailed notes and we all watched VODs so we felt okay without one. Then when it came to the Super Week and Paris Qualifiers we realised how much work he'd actually have to do. sTiZze joined him in note making which relieved some stress off his back, but it's a lot to think about; notes, watching hours of VODs, scrimming and playing matches in-between. So a few days ago Lacky brought up an opportunity, he said he may be able to get Helbee in as a coach as he is experienced the scene, being a former pro and a coach on another team, so he knows how the meta plays out right now, and how to make counter strats and plays etc. So Lacky set him up a task as a "trial" to do some notes for our upcoming games. When we saw the quality and presentation of his notes, we were really impressed, giving us info we may not have looked into otherwise.

This trial proved fruitful in their match against Edenity in which IDK seemed better prepared for the task at hand, winning 3 maps to 1. We also talked to Helbee who added:

I'm a overwhelmed as it kinda came out of nowhere. I know the players and I are a great fit and we will get along. They gave me an opportunity to prove what I can do and I took it. I am looking forward to work with them on a regular basis! There is a lot of work to do as we will soon play international teams, and it will be a first LAN experience for some. Next focus is Valencia & Paris, but first the boys deserve a good day break

Helbee is a former pro player who played on Flipside Tactics and Vertical Gaming in 2017, as well as having played in the Canadian Circuit under the team Blacklisted. More recently, Helbee has been working with SiegeGG on the Debrief podcast which can be found on iTunes and Youtube.

IDK consists of: Matthew “Meepey” Sharples Ryan “Lacky” Stapley Leon “LeonGids” Giddens David “sTiZze” De Castro Bryan “Elemzje” Tbs Louis “Helbee” Bureau (Coach)

This piece was researched and reported with the assistance of @JackWhitechapel .