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How to fix Rainbow Six Siege's error code 0x00000204?

Here's a short guide on how to fix this annoying issue

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Experiencing issues in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege isn't very common, but it can happen. Fortunately, Ubisoft provides you with a code to understand what type of problem is affecting your game experience.

Here's a short guide on how to fix Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege error code 0x00000204:

What is Siege's error code 0x00000204?

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege error 0x00000204 appears when your device can't connect to Ubisoft's servers.

Keep in mind that Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is an online game. Although you can have access to some game modes like AI Playlist or the Shooting Range, you must be connected to the server to play against other people. Therefore, not being able to connect to the server will stop you from playing Siege's most popular game modes like Ranked, Unranked, Quick Match, and Arcade.

How to fix Siege's error code 0x00000204?

On paper, fixing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege error 0x00000204 is easy as you only have to connect to your internet. However, sometimes external issues can prevent you from doing that. We could be talking about problems with your internet provider or your connection speed.

Specifically for Ubisoft's titles, here's Ubisoft's official guide and steps on how to fix troubleshooting connectivity issues.

Here are some steps that could help you at fixing Siege's error code 0x00000204:

Restart network hardware

Restarting your network hardware may be the easiest way of fixing Siege's error code 0x00000204, as it rules out any hardware issues.

Update windows

Updating your operating system could also fix the problem, as it will update those network drivers that may be required to connect to the wider network.

Perform a ping test

Internet instability may cause Siege's error code 0x00000204. Checking your ping is the fastest way to rule out this issue.

Switch to a wired connection

Sometimes, the Wi-Fi connection isn't strong enough to make Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege work. Therefore, we advise you to switch to a wired connection.