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Kripps: "I believe we can beat G2 and LeStream"

After a wonderful start to the Season, we asked Christoffer "Kripps" Brushane what led them to such a turn around in results and what comes next for the squad.

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With a joint sixth place finish in Europe in both Seasons 7 and 8 many people didn’t expect much from the Swedish roster of Chaos entering Season 9 but were in fact faced with a super coordinated fragging force which took their first three games against Secret, Mock-it and ENCE with a total 21-6 round count. Their play style has been compared by casters to what we traditionally have seen from G2 and is effectively like watching a completely new team compared to just a few months ago at DreamHack Winter; certainly a good sign for the team’s prospects in 2019 going forward.

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Chaos at DreamHack Austin via Alexander Scott. From right to left: Secretly, Renuilz, REDGROOVE and Sno0ken with Syred standing behind them

We spoke with Kripps, the roster’s resident Ash main, about this change and asked what we can expect in the coming playdays:

Firstly, tell us a bit about your team’s roles.

We currently have me as an entry fragger and a roamer, we have Renuilz and REDGROOVE as a flex - so they will play either on site, or they will be roaming or entry fragging or holding flanks - we have Secrety and Vitoline has either entry fragger or support depending on what map and what bombsite.

You recently brought in Vitoline to replace Sno0ken within the roster - what does he bring to the team that sno0ken didn't?

The reason why we switched out sno0ken to Vitoline is because he did not have the same goals as the rest of the team and therefore we felt like we needed that change, we brought in Vitoline who had the same goals as us and now we are just hoping to achieve them.

Chaos surprised many people with victories over Secret and Mock-it on Week 1, what gameplay improvements did you make since DreamHack Winter to achieve this?

Since DreamHack we kinda just went over all the problems that we had within the team since we had a new player that was not used to the team. We got more comfortable with the team overall and we fixed the big issues that we had like communication which was a big problem for us. It looks like we fixed it and now we’re doing great.
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The statistics on playday two of EU Season 9 between Chaos and Mock-it

Your next games are versing LSE and G2 - what kind of results can we expect in these games?

LeStream and G2 are both really good teams and of course, they will be a good match. As long as we’re doing our games and doing what we're supposed to do then I believe we can beat them.
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Chaos’ remaining scheduled games

In the invite qualifiers Chaos were knocked out by Supremacy, 2-0 - how did this happen?

We lost the invite qualifiers to Supremacy I do believe because we just didn’t play our game. We had a long day, we had two warm-up scrims and I think most of the team were just burnt out.
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Chaos’ short journey within the Six Invitational EU Qualifiers

What are your goals as a team for 2019?

Obviously one of them was to get to Invitationals but that’s not happening. We’re planning on getting really high up in the Pro League Season right now and hopefully make it to LAN and we’re also looking to going to the next Major

With Secret and ENCE beating G2 the whole region seems fairly Chaotic at the moment - which teams other than yourselves do you think will be topping the table by the mid-season?

The Season we’re currently seeing is really strong, the EU region is stronger than it’s ever been before I think another team, which is kinda obvious right now, that we would see at the top is Empire. Empire is currently a really strong team and it’s amazing to see how much they have improved.
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The EU standings after four play day of Season 9

Concerning G2, what would you say has changed that have caused their recent defeats/draw and do you think it will continue to the Invitationals?

I don’t know, maybe the strats they made doesn’t work, maybe something was messed up, maybe the communication was not on point, I don’t know. Usually, they are much stronger than this and it’s really surprising to see them currently bottom of the leaderboard in EU. I do think they will fix this and play much better at the Invitationals, so we’ll see them there,

What one gameplay change would you like to be implemented into R6?

The current change I would do to Rainbow Six would probably fixing the crouch spam. It’s a new issue that’s been recently discovered I would say and it’s kind of annoying. Myself, I do it, I feel like I get an advantage when I do it as well and I think it should just get fixed. I know it’s a hard thing to just fix but hopefully, the devs are working on a fix for it.

Any messages to your fans?

I’d like to thank our fans for being with us, we had some really rough Seasons but it’s getting better now and hopefully, it stays like this and thank you for being our supporters. It really means a lot, I appreciate it and thank you, thank you so much.


Chaos’ next game is on Friday at 8CET against LeStream Esports followed by a game against G2 Esports the following evening both on the rainbow6 Twitch account. If you want to learn more about this roster check out our interview with their coach, Syred, and for results on these games as well as more interviews keep an eye right here at SiegeGG!