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Sentinels win the VCT Masters Madrid

Sentinels have done it!

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Sentinels have won the VCT Masters Madrid after defeating Gen.G Esports in the tournament's Grand Final. The Americans have taken the trophy home almost three years after winning the VCT Masters Reykjavík.

The South Korean lineup began the match with a terrific advantage over Sentinels as the golden roster was given the two series map bans due to having won the main bracket. Despite Gen.G Esports' advantage off the server, the team from the VCT Pacific couldn't bring the trophy home.

Here's what happened!

Sentinels 3-2 Gen.G Esports

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Results: 8-13 Breeze, 14-12 Bind, 8-13 Ascent, 13-10 Split, 13-6 Icebox

While the final result wasn't what Gen.G Esports hoped, the South Koreans had a rock-solid start to the grand finals with a brutal victory on Breeze.

Eventually, the golden roster was on the verge of securing the second map of the series as they headed to the eighteenth round winning by three rounds (10-7). It was then when Sentinels woke up: after five successful defenses the Americans reached match point. Although the South Koreans ended up sending their opponents to overtime, Sentinels closed the map.

Right when Sentinels started to pick up the pace, Gen.G Esports stopped the Americans with another one sided win, this time on Ascent (13-8). Another map and the South Koreans would win the game.

Unfortunately for the Asian roster, Zachary "zekken" Patrone went berserk for Sentinels on Split as the American got an ACS of 366 and 29 kills on the fourth map alone. His individual performance made the final difference as Sentinels forced the fifth map.

Finally, Icebox was the most one-sided map of the series. After swapping roles with a 7-5 advantage, the Americans took control of the map as they looked almost unstoppable on the attacking side. Eventually, the red roster won the map (and the championship).

With this result, Sentinels claimed the victory at the VCT Masters Madrid and currently have 6 VCT Americas Championship points.