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The best of the Alem4o vs Supr rivalry so far

An intense rivalry has formed between two teams that have never met before.

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Seth "supr" Hoffman and Karl "Alem4o" Zarth have been going at each other on Twitter for about a year now. Sometimes it’s lighthearted, sometimes it’s a part of a Siege-specific argument, and sometimes it’s just straight insults.

Now, the two players perceived to have the biggest egos in the R6 world are set to meet as G2 and Soniqs clash later today after being drawn in the same group.

This isn’t the first time these two have met, as Soniqs’ first ever international game was against Alem4o’s Team oNe at the Mexico Major. The scoreline ended 8-7 to the Soniqs as Alem4o got a 1v1 and 1v2 clutch while supr won a 1v3 of his own.

The focus of this game quickly changed from what had happened in the server, though. Shortly afterwards, Alexander "Yeti" Lawson accused oNe of asking opponents for their operator bans from scrimmages in a now-deleted tweet. While Yeti apologised for the accusations, this led to an immense amount of vitriol being sent to the Soniqs players, which Alem4o told his fans to cut out.

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Stop swearing at @YetiiR6 He was wrong about the Tweet saying that we had asked for info from them and the middle finger was a joke of the moment, we were exchanging trash talk on Stage (Which is normal). And I don't care about the middle finger guys, honestly 😂 But it's Ubi's rule, right?

Two days later, the two teams met again, where oNe won 7-5. This puts their head-to-heads at 1-1 between supr and Alem4o.

The next time the two teams butt heads was just after the Six Invitational this year in what was effectively a Twitter argument over what’s required of support players.

Supr claimed that statistics don’t matter for support players -- something Alem4o disagreed with. The Brazilian argued that outside of specific circumstances, supports “have no excuse being negative”:

As more community members got involved, the conversation led to more insults as both players got heated, which has thrown away most civility in interactions between teams since:

Since then, there’s been regular back and forths between the players, most notably when supr announced his impending retirement.

Supr’s also had things to say about other members of the team, including this (which Shas retweeted) just after Parabellum knocked G2 out of SI 2021:

Supr also targeted Virtue after G2’s 2-7 loss against NAVI five games after Virtue’s debut on the team:

It hasn’t been a one-way street, though, as Shas recently stated this in a team AMA about the Soniqs ahead of their meeting today:

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This was in response to clips such as this during supr’s EUL vod reviews:

Both teams have made it very clear that they dislike each other over the last year, as both Siege players and individuals, and everything has been heating up for tonight.

G2’s players may have more titles between them, but Soniqs are coming into tonight’s game as arguably the favourites after two successful events for North America in a row.

Either way, their matches on Monday and Tuesday -- the latter of which will be one year to the day of the first Supr vs Alem4o match -- will almost certainly be the last chance either side has to prove their big talk in the server as supr is set to retire at the end of the event.

The match is scheduled to start at 7:10 PM CET (UTC+2) / 1:10 PM ET tonight, with the rematch coming at 8:40 PM CET tomorrow.

Read more:

#flag@20:usThe supr swansong: Soniqs to rely on 2021 experience at Berlin Major ahead of supr retirement

#flag@20:eu “[Not qualifying] would have been the most disappointing thing”: G2's Doki talks Stage 2, Shas exit