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EU Day 5: PENTA Delivers, Mock-It Surprises

Catch up on what happened in Day 5 of European Pro League.

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Game 1: Mock-it 6-2 Orgless

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Map: Border

Mock-it: Panix, Enemy, Revan, Alive and Voy

Orgless: KS, Paraa, Ripz, Hungry, Aceez

First game of EU playday 5 brings us on Border with what looked like a very one sided map. Banning Mira and Echo crippling the defence right at the beginning of this matchup could be the reason why this map was heavily in favor of Mock-it who were starting on attack. Winning four rounds in a row Mock-it seemed to be unbeatable on Border. Orgless fighting back winning two rounds, gave hope for a comeback. But Mock-it, securing the next round placed them on match point. Orgless unable to recover for a second time ended up falling to Mock-it.

Game 2: Vitality 3-6 Millenium

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Map: Border

Vitality: Biboo, Rafale, Zephir, Spark and Brid

Millenium: Liven, Renshiro, Risze, Joghurtzz and Hicks

A very surprising game was between Vitality and Millenium. Banning both hard breachers, Hibana and Thermite, made this game a very interesting matchup. Millenium bringing a Fuze with a shield and smokes proved to be very effective for the attackers. Vitality fighting back, made sure not to be stomped on by the opponents. With a score of 3:2 in favor of Millenium going to their first defence, were looking strong but ultimately lost the round. But with both hard breachers banned, the attacking side was unable to get through the strong defence of Millenium in the following rounds.

Game 3: I don’t know 2-6 PENTA

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Map: Club House

IDK: Meepey, Lacky, LeonGids, Elemzje and StizZe

PENTA: Fabian, Pengu, Kantoraketti, Goga and Joonas

The highly anticipated match between IDK and PENTA, the two top teams in EU, was a match IDK fans did not enjoy watching. A very promising match that was believed to end in a much closer score. IDK starting on attack manage to win the first round, but PENTA being the veterans in this matchup responded by securing 4 rounds making the score 4-1 in their favor. IDK starting their first defence, won their second round with a great CCTV and Cash room hold fighting back against PENTA. Unable to keep the momentum from that round win, Fabian clutched the round in a 1v2, putting them on match point. IDK not able to recover, disappoint in this matchup. PENTA making a final great push, won the round and the game.

Game 4: Chaos 5-5 Supremacy

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Map: Club House

Chaos: Secretly, Renuilz, Snooken, Kripps and Redgroove

Supremacy: Djuz, Anthrax, Ksiix, Kriisko and Alphama

Game 4 being the matchup between the two teams currently placed at the bottom of EU Pro League was a very important match for each of the teams. Team Chaos banned Lion and Echo, while Supremacy banned Hibana and Mira. A match that started with a 2:0 lead for Chaos, got a lot closer with Supremacy catching up. Eventually getting on match point, Chaos with a score of 5:4 were not able to secure the last round making it a tie between Supremacy and Chaos.

These are the standings for EU Pro League after 5 games:

Be sure to catch Day 6 of European Pro League on the official Twitch and YouTube channels at 7 pm CEST, 1 pm EDT and 2 pm BRT on the 26th July. To see all the upcoming games schedules, go to our Matches page, and check out completed games stats by clicking on the individual games.