Black Ops 6 and Warzone are about to enter Season 2 and the patch notes have been released. These highlight not only all the new additions already covered by the roadmap and blog posts but also the changes, quality-of-life adjustments, and bug fixes.
Knowing that the start of this season is focused on improving the game instead of adding new stuff, here is everything you need to know.
Release date
Season 2 for Black Ops 6 and Warzone is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:00 am PT (5:00 pm GMT). The update will go live at that time, allowing players to try all the new stuff.
PC players can preload the patch through the Battle.net launcher, while the preload for console players will be available a few hours before the start of the season.
Patch notes
Ignoring all the details about the new content already revealed through the roadmap and blog posts, here are the patch notes for Warzone Season 2:
Progressión and Prestige
- Addressed an issue that was causing the “Congratulations, you’ve Mastered Prestige” screen to appear after every match for some Prestige Master players.
- Addressed an issue that would occasionally occur after Quick-Resuming Black Ops 6 that would incorrectly display all other players as Level 1 with default customization.
- Players who’ve reached Max Level will now see a reminder that they have a Prestige available after each match.
- Players who’ve reached Max Level will now see a “Prestige Available” treatment on the Prestige Tile in the Barracks Progression menu.
- Prestige Master Ribbons will now display in the player details when inspecting a player from the Lobby.
- Players can now tab between individual Prestiges (L1/R1 on PlayStation, LB/RB on Xbox) when viewing an individual Prestige’s rewards via the Prestige screen.
- The player’s current Prestige Master Ribbon and Icon milestone will now be highlighted by default whenever they enter the Prestige Master screen.
- Players can now equip any unlocked Special Camos to a Weapon as soon as they’ve unlocked any 5 Military Camos for that weapon. Previously, players needed to unlock all 9 Military Camos for at least 1 mode to equip Special Camos.
- Challenge progress bars now appear below Special Camo and Mastery Camo swatches on the Camo tab in the Gunsmith.
- The currently equipped Camo will now be highlighted by default when entering the Camo tab in the Gunsmith (if applicable).
- Added a “Favorites Only” Filter to the Friends List that can be used to display only Favorite Friends.
- Player mic indicators will now appear when viewing the Party Channel or Game Channel.
- “Sort by Progression” and “Sort by Rank” will now display the applicable Level or Rank icons in the Friends List, regardless of which mode the player is viewing the Social menu from.
- Dark Ops Calling Cards that you haven’t unlocked yet yourself will no longer appear as “Classified” when viewed in another player’s Calling Card Showcase.
- Buy Stations
- Buy station locations have been updated across Urzikstan.
- Gulag
- Gulag loadouts have been refreshed with new weapons and equipment.
- Train
- The automatic brake release timer has increased to 240 seconds, up from 60.
Area 99
- Buy Stations
- Two additional Buy Stations have been added to Area 99.
Ranked Play
The following changes are being implemented at the launch of Season 02 to provide players on console with the option to select the platform pool(s) they wish to matchmake with:
» PlayStation – In-Game Options «
- On: Enables matchmaking with all gaming platforms when playing in Ranked playlists.
- On (Consoles Only): Enables matchmaking only with other consoles when playing in Ranked playlists.
- May negatively impact matchmaking queue times.
- Off: Restricts Ranked matchmaking to your current gaming platform only.
- Will negatively impact matchmaking queue times.
» Xbox – In-Game Options «
- On: Enables matchmaking with all gaming platforms when playing in Ranked playlists.
- On (Consoles Only): Enables matchmaking only with other consoles when playing in Ranked playlists.
- May negatively impact matchmaking queue times.
- Off: Restricts Ranked matchmaking to your current gaming platform only.
- Will negatively impact matchmaking queue times.
- Tracker perk has been removed from the restricted items list in WZ Ranked Play.
Skill Rating
Placement | Top 40 | Top 30 | Top 20 | Top 15 | Top 10 | Top 5 | 1st |
Placement SR | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 60 | 100 |
Bonus SR per elimination | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Deployment Fees
Rank | Deployment Fee (SR) |
Bronze I | No deployment fee |
Silver I | 5 |
Silver II | 10 |
Silver III | 15 |
Gold I | 25 |
Gold II | 30 |
Gold III | 35 |
Platinum I | 45 |
Platinum II | 50 |
Platinum III | 55 |
Diamond I | 65 |
Diamond II | 70 |
Diamond III | 75 |
Crimson I | 85 |
Crimson II | 90 |
Crimson III | 95 |
Iridescent and Top 250 | 100 SR plus 10 SR every 500 SR above 10,000, up to a maximum deployment fee of 200 SR. |
- Buy Stations
- All Buy Stations, including deployable and standard ones, now close at the beginning of the "Final Circle" announcement.
- Deployable Boxes
- Utility boxes, such as munition boxes, armor boxes, and others, can no longer be placed in the gas.
- Score Events
- Added a new "Splat" score event in Battle Royale, which triggers when a player is eliminated while parachuting or skydiving.
- Experience Balance
- Battle Royale
- Player XP increased by +7%.
- Weapon XP increased by +10%.
- Resurgence
- Player XP decreased by -8%.
- Weapon XP increased by +10%.
- Plunder
- Player XP increased by +22%.
- Weapon XP decreased by -13%.
Quality of Life Highlights
- Advanced UAV
- Advanced UAVs now display elevation arrows to indicate player altitude.
- Warzone Barracks
- The button layout in the Warzone Barracks has been reorganized to match the structure used in Multiplayer and Zombies.
- Ammo Caches
- Ammo Cache Depots now function like Munition Boxes, dropping additional ammo and equipment on the ground.
- Pinging Buyback Flares
- Players can now ping the flares from buybacks to better alert their teammates.
- Match Stat Tracker
- The font used in the match stat tracker has been adjusted for improved readability, especially at lower resolutions.
- Detailed Weapon Stats
- New stats have been added, and the layout has been redesigned to prioritize data clarity and accessibility.
- Fade Distance
- The fade distance for loadout and cash drop crates while parachuting has been reduced to 300 meters for improved visibility.
- Body Shield
- Victims are no longer automatically released mid-air.
- The outline of the victim, previously visible through walls, has been disabled.
- Players can no longer release a victim without executing them first.
- Jumping
- Increased both jump speed and successive jump height with one unmodified successive jump.
- Parachute
- Increased the speed of the parachute cut animation, making cutting a parachute and readying your weapon significantly faster.
- Increased player velocity when landing from a cut parachute land, for smoother transition into full sprint.
- Tracker
- Pings have been replaced with an outline that is not visible through walls but will still appear on targets through smoke.
- Tracker can now mark up to five targets simultaneously. Engaging a sixth target will remove the outline from the first target.
- Dexterity
- The weapon handling component of Dexterity has been enhanced and is now a default perk for all Warzone players.
- Mountaineer
- This perk returns in Slot 1, replacing Dexterity. Fall damage reduction has been significantly improved compared to the current version with Dexterity, though it’s not as powerful as its iteration in Modern Warfare III.
- Veteran
- Now provides significant damage reduction against the effects of Gas Grenades.
- Munitions Satchel
- Now only provides 1 additional item, down from 2, to address overstocking and spamming equipment.
- Tacticals & Lethals
- Maximum deployed tacticals and lethals reduced to 2 each, down from 3, to make more purposeful trap plays.
- Impact Grenade
- Default stack size increased from 2 to 3.
- When equipped with a Munitions Satchel, the max stack size increases to 4.
- Thermobaric
- Inner radius increased from 25 to 50.
- Inner damage increased from 190 to 220.
- Outer damage increased from 48 to 55.
- Frag Grenade
- Inner damage decreased from 250 to 240.
- Middle damage decreased from 170 to 120.
- Outer damage increased from 48 to 55.
- Experimental Gas Grenade
- Slightly increased the trigger height of the gas effects to better match visuals.
- Movement reduction from gas decreased:
- Without resistance: from 60% to 50%.
- With resistance: from 60% to 25%.
- Gas damage against resistant targets reduced from 8 to 5.
- Stim Shot
- Strafe slide velocity with stim slightly reduced.
- Spy Camera
- Updated the outline visual to no longer display through walls.
- Effect duration increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Proxy Alarm
- Updated the outline visual for better clarity.
- Advanced UAV
- Advanced UAVs now display elevation arrows to indicate player altitude.
- Bunker Buster
- Gas damage against targets with gas resistance has been reduced from 8 to 5.
Field Upgrades
- Loadout Drop Marker
- The bounce factor for Loadout Drop Markers has been reduced by 50%.
- Portable Decontamination Station
- The ability to re-enable closed Buy Stations by dropping a PDS nearby now works as intended.
- However, to align with the previously outlined Buy Station changes, this is not possible during the final circle of a match.
- Reload Speeds
- Reload speeds have been improved across all weapons, with increases ranging from 5% to 20%, depending on the weapon class.
- Modern Warfare 3
- Assault Rifles (ARs): 15% faster
- Marksman Rifles (MRs): 5% faster
- Submachine Guns (SMGs): 10% faster
- Sniper Rifles: 12% faster
- Handguns: 5% faster
- Battle Rifles: 10% faster
- Modern Warfare 2
- Assault Rifles (ARs): 12% faster
- Marksman Rifles (MRs): 10% faster
- Light Machine Guns (LMGs): 15% faster
- Submachine Guns (SMGs): 22% faster
- Sniper Rifles: 15% faster
- Handguns: 5% faster
- Battle Rifles: 10% faster
- Black Ops 6
- Assault Rifles (ARs): 5% faster
- Marksman Rifles (MRs): 5% faster
- Light Machine Guns (LMGs): 10% faster
- Submachine Guns (SMGs): 10% faster
- Sniper Rifles: 10% faster
- Handguns: 5% faster
- Reload speeds for Flip and Fast Mag attachments have been increased by an additional 5%.
- Bullet Penetration
- Adjusted bullet penetration across most materials resulting in a more consistent experience for thicker walls in particular.
- Weapon Swap
- Increased swap speed by 10%, effectively replicating the effect of the Quick Grip Gloves Perk from Modern Warfare.
- Sprint-to-Fire
- Reduced sprint-to-fire penalty when jumping from 35% to 10%.
- Aim-Down-Sight
- Reduced the aim-down-sight (ADS) jump speed penalty by 25%.
Assault Rifles adjustments
- AK-74
- Maximum Damage Range increased from 0-53.3m to 0-58.4m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 increased from 59.3-71m to 58.4-76.2m.
- Minimum Damage Range increased from >71m to >76.2m.
- Aim Down Sight speed improved from 290ms to 270ms.
- Sprint to Fire time improved from 205ms to 190ms.
- Lower Torso multiplier increased from 0.88x to 0.9x.
- AMES 85
- Leg multiplier increased from 0.9x to 0.95x.
- Headshot multiplier increased from 1.1x to 1.15x.
- AS Val
- Default magazine reload speed is 5% faster.
- Goblin Mk2
- Medium Damage Range 1 damage increased from 45 to 48.
- Medium Damage Range 1 range increased from 45.7-60.9m to 45.7-71.1m.
- Minimum Damage Range increased from 60.9m to 71.1m.
- Bullet Velocity increased from 800m/s to 820m/s.
- Default Magizine and Flip Magizine clip size increased from 20 to 25.
- Lower, Arm, and Hand multipliers increased from 0.8x to 1x.
- GPR 91
- Maximum Damage Range reduced from 0-43.1m to 0-36.8m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 reduced from 43.1-58.4m to 36.8-50-8m.
- Minimum Damage Range reduced from >58.4m to >50.8m.
- Aim Down Sight speed slowed from 225ms to 240ms.
- Sprint to Fire time slowed from 160ms to 175ms.
- Leg multipliers decreased from 0.9x to 0.84x.
- Model L
- Maximum Damage Range increased from 0-55.8m to 0-62.2m.
- Minimum Damage Range increased from >55.8m to >62.2m.
- Leg multipliers increased from 0.85x to 0.88x.
- XM4
- Maximum Damage Range reduced from 0-39.3m to 0-34.2m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 reduced from 39.3-56.3m to 34.2-48.2m.
- Minimum Damage Range damage reduced from 24 to 22.
- Minimum Damage Range range reduced from >53.3m to >48.2m.
- Leg multipliers decreased from 1x to 0.88x.
- 100 Round Magazine:
- Aim Down Sight speed penalty increased from 15% to 30%.
- Buffer Stock:
- Horizontal Recoil Control bonus decreased from 60% to 45%.
- Vertical Recoil Control bonus decreased from 30% to 18%.
- Gunkick bonus decreased from 32% to 20%.
SMG adjustments
- C9
- Maximum Damage Range increased from 0-12.1m to 0-13.0m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 damage increased from 30 to 31.
- Medium Damage Range 1 range increased from 12.1-22.3m to 13.0-24.1m.
- Medium Damage Range 2 increased from 22.3-31.0m to 24.1-31.0m.
- Aim Down Sight speed improved from 210ms to 200ms.
- Sprint to Fire time improved from 130ms to 120ms.
- Bullet Velocity increased from 550m/s to 570m/s.
- Leg multipliers increased from 0.9x to 1x.
- Jackal PDW
- Maximum Damage Range decreased from 0-11.4m to 0-10.1m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 decreased from 11.4-20.3m to 10.1-18.2m.
- Medium Damage Range 2 decreased from 20.3-27.9m to 18.2-27.9m.
- Upper Torso and Arm multipliers decreased from 1x to 0.93x.
- Lower Torso multiplier decreased from 0.9x to 0.83x.
- Bullet Velocity decreased from 530m/s to 500m/s.
- Kompakt 92
- Aim Down Sight speed improved from 225ms to 210ms.
- Sprint to Fire time improved from 145ms to 130ms.
- Maximum Damage Range increased from 0-12.9m to 0-13.9m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 increased from 12.9-23.1m to 13.9-24.8m.
- Medium Damage Range 2 increased from 23.1-35.5m to 24.8-35.5m.
- Aim Down Sight speed improved from 220ms to 210ms.
- Sprint to Fire time improved from 130ms to 120ms.
- Bullet Velocity increased from 510m/s to 550m/s.
- PP-919
- Medium Damage Range 1 decreased from 12.7-22.8m to 12.7-21.3m.
- Medium Damage Range 2 decreased from 22.8-30.7m to 21.3-30.7m.
- Headshot multiplier decreased from 1.07x to 1.04x.
- Leg multipliers decreased from 1x to 0.82x.
LMG adjustments
- Buffer Stock Attachment
- Horizontal Recoil Control bonus decreased from 40% to 25%.
- Vertical Recoil Control bonus decreased from 25% to 15%.
- Gunkick bonus decreased from 25% to 15%.
Pistol adjustments
- 9mm PM
- Maximum Damage Range increased from 0-6.3m to 0-8.8m.
- Medium Damage Range 1 increased from 6.2-15.2m to 8.8-16.5m.
- Minimum Damage Range increased from >15.2m to >16.5m.
- Headshot multiplier increased from 1.2x to 1.3x.
- Upper Torso and Arm multipliers increased from 1x to 1.2x.
- Extended Mag I
- Magazine size increased from 12 to 15.
- Extended Mag II
- Magazine size increased from 15 to 18.
- Lootable Perks
- The available perks from ground loot have been updated to include:
- Shrouded, Irradiated, Veteran, Reflexes, Sprinter, and Tempered.
- Lootable Weapons
- All ground loot weapon builds have been refreshed for the new season.
- Semi-auto rifles, burst rifles, and common through epic handguns have been removed.
- New Season 2 weapons have been added to the ground loot pool.
- Intel
- Completing Intel contracts now has a very low chance to reward a Durable Gas Mask.
- Signal Intelligence
- Cash rewards for Signal Intelligence contracts, which were previously $7,500 per player, have been reduced based on squad size as follows:
- Solos: $7,500 per player ($7,500 total).
- Duos: $4,500 per player ($9,000 total).
- Trios: $3,500 per player ($10,500 total).
- Quads: $3,000 per player ($12,000 total).
- Scavenger
- Distance between scavenger crates has been reduced, requiring less of a marathon between objectives.
- The majority of the time, objectives will prioritize remaining within the same point of interest.
Public Events
- Runaway Train
- This event now has a 10% chance to occur in the 5th circle of Battle Royale.
- Warzone Tactician
- Bunker Busters and Cluster Strikes no longer count toward progress for this challenge.
- Deadeye
- The requirement to ping an enemy before eliminating them has been removed for challenge progression.
- Damage Adjustments
- C4 and IED damage have been slightly adjusted to ensure greater consistency when destroying vehicles.
- Post-Match XP Widget
- Updated XP widget to provide more information after a match.
- Third Party Reverb
- Reducing reverb effects to improve directionality of movement audio produced by other players (footstep, ascenders, parachutes).
- Parachute
- Adjusted parachute audio being louder than intended at farther distances.
- Self-Revive
- Players will now hear the enemy self-revive sound.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Ghost perk would persist from the pre-match lobby into the match.
- Fixed an issue where Cold Blooded did not properly counter Tracker.
- Fixed an issue where Quick Fix health regeneration did not activate correctly while plating.
- Fixed an issue preventing Quick Fix health regeneration from functioning when eliminating an enemy with the Combat Axe or Throwing Knife.
- Fixed an issue where the Survivor perk prevented players from reviving downed squad members.
- Fixed an issue where weapons became inaccessible near interactable areas.
- Fixed an issue causing weapons to fall through Buy Station models.
- Fixed an issue where the Experimental Gas Grenade gameplay effects lingered longer than the visual effects.
- Fixed an issue causing weapon tooltips to incorrectly display as "common" when dropped.
- Fixed an issue where MWII and MWIII weapons were missing Black Ops 6 weapon stats, including slide-to-fire time.
- Fixed visibility issues on Rebirth Island.
- Fixed an issue causing parachutes to deploy when jumping off ladders.
- Fixed an issue where players were not always able to go prone while reviving a teammate.
- Fixed an issue where bounty contracts displayed a delay in showing completion in the UI.
- Fixed an issue causing players to spectate an enemy who did not eliminate them.
- Fixed an issue where Most Wanted contracts did not override respawn timers as intended.
- Fixed issues preventing selected operators from properly applying in the front-end menu.
- Fixed an issue where the PRD audio sounded similar to zipline audio.
- Fixed an issue causing players to redeploy without weapons and preventing loot interactions.
- Fixed an issue preventing auto-pickup functionality when items were on lower shelves.
- Fixed an issue where the Scrambler effect persisted on the map throughout the match.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to launch themselves off a ladder using a Stim Shot.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to pick up one of multiple guns on the ground caused players to juggle them.
- Fixed additional cases where UAVs and Advanced UAVs did not trigger as expected.
- Fixed an issue where the Precision Airstrike notification failed to appear on the player’s location.
- Fixed an issue where icons for off-screen enemies were not displaying properly on the mini-map.
- Fixed an issue preventing the self-ping icon from appearing.
- Fixed an issue where the loadout selection UI displayed placeholder icons and white boxes in the live lobby.
- Fixed an issue where the obituary feed overlapped with the active contract widget.
- Fixed an issue where users were kicked from the menu when trying to prestige.
- Fixed an issue where the Armory FTUE replayed when returning from CoD HQ.
- Fixed an issue where the enemy voice chat icon displayed as friendly instead of red.
- Fixed an issue where KBM (keyboard and mouse) buttons for emotes in the Winner’s Circle did not function.
- Fixed an issue where duplicate armor satchels did not trigger the "inventory full" notification.
- Fixed overlap issues with the Prestige Master screen.
- Fixed an issue where private lobby codes did not always display properly.
- Fixed issues with parachutes during the Jailbreak public event.
- Fixed an issue where players only had one Gulag Rock instead of five in the Gulag.
- Fixed an issue causing players to spawn in the Gulag with Gulag Rocks in Warzone Ranked.
- Fixed an issue causing players to lose Tac Sprint functionality after using a zipline.
- Fixed a camera issue during infil sequences on Rebirth Island.
- Fixed an issue where crates could spawn out of bounds during the High Stakes public event.
- Fixed an issue causing MWII and MWIII loadout weapons to disappear when dropped.
- Fixed an issue where grabbing a loadout with a Baseball Bat caused it to appear as a Throwing Knife when equipped.
- Fixed an issue causing the Spy Camera to consume multiple charges when activated once.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to call in more Care Packages than intended during a match.
- Fixed an issue where Squid Games finishing moves did not consistently execute the enemy.
- Fixed an issue where the "Zipped Up" score event medal did not trigger in BR when a player killed someone while on a zipline or ascender.
- Fixed an issue where the "Hot Potato" grenade throwback medal did not trigger if the grenade downed the enemy instead of fully eliminating them.
- Fixed an issue preventing the elimination card from appearing when eliminating an enemy in the Gulag.
- Fixed an issue causing the primary weapon in a loadout to reset after a match.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s HUD disappeared when redeploying.
- Fixed an issue where the Recents tab in the Add Friends menu did not function properly.
- Fixed an issue causing the Recon Drone to appear invisible while in use.
- Fixed an issue where eliminations did not track properly for the player who downed an enemy taken hostage by a teammate.
- Fixed an issue where team colors in the killfeed were inconsistent with the actual player colors.
- Fixed an issue where contract icons occasionally disappeared from the map.
- Fixed an issue causing the typing sound to persist after using a UAV Tower.
- Fixed an issue with the "Bombshell" challenge where kills were not tracked correctly.
- Fixed an issue where some Dark Ops challenges did not grant XP properly.
- Fixed an issue where wins were calculated incorrectly in the "In Resurgence or BR, finish Top 10" challenge.
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