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Valorant Jett Agent Guide: Abilties, tips and tricks

Jett is one of the most popular Duelists in Valorant.

Valorant Jett

Jett is a South Korean agent in Valorant who was released to the game with the launch of Valorant's Closed Beta.


Jett's abilities are very useful when it comes to playing as a Duelist. However, considering the aggressiveness of her abilities, we encourage you to play her if you have already mastered Valorant's recoil.

Here's a brief look at all of her abilities!

Passive - Drift

Drift allows Jett to glide through the air after jumping.

Basic - Cloudburst

Jett's Cloudburst allows her to throw a smoke sphere that expands and turns into a cloud that blocks every player's vision.

Basic - Updraft

Updraft allows Jett to jump up to locations nobody else can reach. This ability is perfect for creating unexpected gunfights. 

Signature - Tailwind

Tailwind allows Jett to move quickly in the direction she's walking to. It recharges automatically every time you get two kills with Jett.

Ultimate - Blade Storm

Blade Storm allows Jett to throw up to five knives. These knives are highly accurate weapons and deal a lot of damage. Every time you get a kill with them, a knife will be recharged. It deals 150, 50, or 42 HP of damage depending on if you hit the head, the body, or the legs, respectively.

How to use Jett in Valorant?

Here are some tips on how to use Jett in Valorant!

Use Updraft to elevate your position on the map

Using Updraft to elevate your position on the map is a smart way to use this ability. Unless the enemies use their abilities to track you down, they won't expect you to be in certain high positions that nobody can reach.

You can also use Updraft to push enemies or elevate your position in the middle of a gunfight. If you have good aim, you can win a lot of gunfights using this strategy!

Use Tailwind to escape from gunfights

Jett is a Duelist and she's expected to win her gunfights. However, sometimes, escaping is the smartest option. Using Tailwind to get you some cover is smart, as it gives you time to reload, prepare a new plan, and more. Killing is important, but staying alive is even more crucial!

Cloudburst is your most reliable ally

Some people use Jett because of her quick moves around the map, but Cludburst can't be ignored. This ability allows Jett to create a smoke sphere that can provide her and her teammates with some cover. She can also use it to upset the enemies and stop them before they start a rush to the Bombsite. You must be clever!

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