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Spectre Divide beta: Everything you need to know to get ready

Here's more information about Spectre Divide's beta

Spectre Divide screenshot
Credit: Mountaintop Studios

Spectre Divide's beta is finally here. The shooter developed by Mountaintop Studios is finally arriving later this week with its beta. While shooter fans may be hearing the name of this video game for the first time, the game has been in the oven for the last couple of years.

On August 1, the Twitch streamer Shroud admitted having been working on Spectre Divide for the last two years. According to the streamer, Spectre Divide feels "fresh and unique" compared to other shooters.

However, now it's up to the players to decide if Spectre Divide has the potential to become a massive shooter. While its beta isn't live yet, here's more information on how to get access to it and more.

What is Spectre Divide?

Spectre Divide is a 3v3 tactical shooter. As we previously mentioned, Spectre Divide is seen as a unique shooter. But, why? Well, the answer is clear: Spectre Divide uses Duality, which allows you to control two characters.

Every player starts the round with two characters and can swap between them. When the player decides to swap bodies, the one that's not being controlled stays still.

This is a new concept in shooting games as the rest of well-known titles like Call of Duty, CS2, Rainbow Six Siege, or Valorant don't work like that at all.

Here's Spectre Divide's description on Steam:

Spectre Divide is the genre-evolving, competitive 3v3 tactical shooter driven by Duality. Use Duality to control two bodies in real-time, letting you defend two sites at once, cover your own cross, or even trade yourself. Master tactical gunplay and an arsenal of future tech to achieve infamy.

Starting date

Spectre Divide's beta is set to start on August 13 at 9 AM PT and will conclude on August 21 at 6 PM PT. This means players will have one week to try out the game's features.

How to get access

First, it's important to understand that not everyone will get access to Spectre Divide's beta. According to an official blog post, "the Closed Beta will be available exclusively on PC via Steam." Console players will have no way of participating.

Now, here's how to get access to Spectre Divide's beta:

Twitch Drops

Getting access to Spectre Divide through Twitch Drops is the easiest way to do so, as the previously mentioned blog post announced that "we'll be prioritizing those who get Twitch Drops."

You will have to watch streamers with Spectre Divide Drops enabled. Unfortunately, there's not much more information about how to link your Twitch and Spectre Divide accounts, but the blog post said that more information will be revealed "very soon."

Request access on Steam

Here's how to request access to the Spectre Divide beta on Steam:

  1. Log into your Steam account and head to the Spectre Divide Steam page
  2. Click on "Request Access"
  3. If you have been given access to Spectre Divide, you'll be notified via email.

Spectre Divide will have servers in the North American, European, and Asia Pacific regions.

In-game items

a bunch of smiley faces are floating in the air on a purple background .

Twitch Drops will also allow players to get exclusive in-game items, including:

  • Bad Intentions Spray
  • Troublemaker Banner
  • Sinister Smile Charm

Keep visiting Siege.GG for more information about Spectre Divide and other shooters like Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and more!