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Operation Heavy Mettle to introduce new Tutorials to Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft has prepared new Tutorials for Rainbow Six Siege’s new players!

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Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most complex video games out there. With more than 20 maps and almost 70 operators available, players must spend many hours to comprehend the basics of Siege.

Although that shows how great Rainbow Six Siege’s potential is, we can’t deny the game’s structure is also a huge limitation to any video game enjoyer that wants to give Siege a solid try. For some, having to learn so much Siege in order to have a standard experience of the video game is a huge turn-off.

Clearly, Ubisoft is trying its best to make Rainbow Six Siege more appealing to players, and Operation Heavy Mettle may be the developers’ best attempt ever.

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Operation Heavy Mettle to introduce new Tutorials

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Operation Heavy Mettle is introducing new Tutorials to Rainbow Six Siege. Tutorials will be divided into three categories, including the following:

  • Basics: Learn how to move and use the map to your advantage.
  • Attack: Learn the basics while attacking.
  • Defense: Learn the basics while defending.

We encourage everyone in Rainbow Six Siege to try out Tutorials when Operation Heavy Mettle comes out, as the playlist offers a great insight into the game regardless of the player’s experience!

Quick Match to include pre-reinforced walls and pre-made rotations

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Another of Ubisoft’s attempts to help the newcomers get used to Rainbow Six Siege is the introduction of pre-reinforced walls and pre-made rotations.

This change will come to Rainbow Six Siege with the release of Operation Heavy Mettle. While some walls and hatches will appear reinforced when spawning in the Preparation Phase, the defenders will have five reinforcements to place at any time throughout the game.

Ubisoft’s idea behind this concept is to tell players what are the most basic places to reinforce while encouraging them to come up with their own strategies.