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Destiny 2: All PvP maps coming with update

PvP is finally getting some love

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Destiny 2 PvP players will finally be getting some love as Bungie has confirmed the three new maps coming to Crucible with update

Update is set to drop on May 7, with Bungie revealing via the weekly This Week in Destiny blog post exactly the layouts of the three maps alongside some small descriptions of them so players can get a better idea about what type of playstyles are suited for each.

So let's take a look at every new map coming to PvP in Destiny 2 with the upcoming patch Before we begin, you might be interested in checking out how to find Archie the Exodog.

Destiny 2 update new PvP maps

In total, three maps are joining the Destiny 2 Crucible. Bungie partnered with content creator Relikt with some really amazing overviews of each map with specific callouts, particularly useful for those that will jump into the more sweaty modes such as Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris.

Eventide Labs

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Players spawn at A and C and head to the Servitor area to contest B and Heavy ammo. The interior is close-quarters, but the space between Air Dock and Loading Bay has long sight lines. Approach carefully to avoid snipers.

Cirrus Plaza

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Set in Neptune, Cirrus Plaza has four areas: Arcade, Restaurant, Aquarium, and Atrium. Players spawn near point A (Arcade) and point C (Restaurant). The Atrium is important as it has a Heavy ammo crate in the middle, but players need to move quickly or have backup since there's a battle for point B nearby with sightlines spanning multiple floors.


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The fight rages on inside a terraformed pyramid, the map has initial spawn points close to the Fossils at point A and the Sigil at point C. It offers fairly straightforward paths through the middle, where players are likely to engage in intense battles over the Heavy ammo at Orbits, as well as across the bottom of the map towards point B.

So there you have it, for more on Destiny 2, check out the new Power Level changes coming to The Final Shape.